Big River Cemetery
R.M. of Big River # 555   NE 7-56-7 W3
GPS   53.828592°N   107.027932°W
First burial in 1915

Abbott, Mark  
Adair, Mary  
Affanasieff, Alexander  
Affanasieff, Dr.  
Affanasieff, Emily M.  
Ahearn, Dale (infant)  died 1953
Ahearn, Harriet  
Ahearn, Joseph  
Atchison, David Alick  
Allanson, Miles  
Anderson, Albert N.  Mar 1, 1912 - Mar 21, 2008 son of Frank & Tina
Anderson, Arthur  
Anderson, Bruce  
Anderson, Clara  
Anderson, Clarence  
Anderson, Delbert Cecil  
Anderson, Douglas James  May 13, 1927 - Mar 19, 2004
Anderson, Frederick Arthur  
Anderson, George Allen
Anderson, Gertrude B.  Nov 13, 1925 - Sep, 1990 wife of Albert
Anderson, Henry  
Anderson, Jenny Olivia  
Anderson, Katherine  
Anderson, Lisette  
Anderson, Mary  
Anderson, Ronald  
Anderson, Roy Franklin  
Anderson, Taylor Lynn  
Anderson, Terry  
Andres, Diane  
Apps, Archibald George  
Apps, George  Feb 24, 1904 - Dec 30, 1990
Apps, Jean  Aug 31, 1903 - Feb 6, 2002 wife of George
Arcand, Maureen  
Archer, Ernest  
Archibald, Dorothy Marie  
Archibald, Rachel Florence (nee Martin)  1881 - 1971
Archibald, Walter Ashton  Jun 22, 1916 - Mar 22, 2012
Archibald, Walter Willis  1879 - 1968
Arsenault, Eva Claire  
Arsenault, Mrs. R.
Arsenault, Theodore  
Ausland, Clarence Joseph  

Babin, Joseph Alphonse  
Baker, William  
Bale, Joseph  
Bale, Josiah  
Bale, Minnie  
Bale, William  
Banks, Hugh E.  1932 - 2014
Banks, Jean  
Banks, John Robert  
Banks, Lorna Yvonne  
Banks, Robert  
Baskott, Irene  
Baskott, William Richard  
Bechtel, Annie  
Bechtel, Jack  
Bechtel, Margaret  
Beck, Pearl Jane  
Becker, Bradley  
Becker, Jean  
Becker, Lawrence  
Becker, Walter  
Beebe, Buddy W.  
Beebe, Charles W.  
Beebe, Earl  
Beebe, John Merlin  
Beebe, Russell  
Beeds, Joe  
Beeds, Peter  
Beggar, Max  
Belisle, Laura  
Belisle, Pierre  
Bell, Richard M.  
Bengston, Alida  
Bengston, Kurt  
Benoit, E.  
Bergen, Linda Ann  
Berger, Helge  
Berglund, Ada Mirium  
Berglund, Carl Gustav  
Berry, Mary Helen  
Bickert, Diedrick  
Bickert, Edward Abraham  Mar 31, 1949 - Mar 11, 2017 hus of Marlene, son of Jacob & Mary
Bickert, Jacob 'Jake'   
Bickert, Mary  
Billinger, Joseph  
Billinger, Ludwina  
Billingham, Alice M.  
Bittman,  Chris H.  
Bittman, Katherine  
Blanchette, Fabien  
Blouin, Frances  
Bock, Shirley Lynn  
Boddy, Eleanor Dorothy  
Boddy, William C.  
Boddy, William John  
Bogner, John  
Bogner, John Jr.  
Bogner, Terry Allan  
Bogner, Theodore John  Oct 3, 1960 - Feb 21, 2017 hus of Wanda, son of John & Victoria (nee Mirasty)
Boisvert, Alphonse  
Boisvert, Harvey  
Boisvert, Rauel  
Bollinger, Adam  
Bouchard, Desneiges E.  
Bouchard, Henri  
Bouchard, Horace  
Bouchard, Pierre  
Bouchard, Rita  died 1926
Bouvil, Raymond  
Bradley, Kelly  
Bradley, Louis  
Bradley, Viola  
Breker, Catherine  
Breker, John  
Breker, Lewis Joseph  
Bresenham, Isabelle  
Brettle, Clarice M.  
Briggs, Edward H. ‘Dave’  
Briggs, Elizabeth  
Briggs, Robert  
Brothwick, Christina  
Brothwick, Thomas  
Brown, George C.  
Brown, Katherine  
Brown, Owen  
Brown, William James  Jun 9, 1928 - Nov 19, 2011
Brownfield, Carl John  
Brownfield, Ernest  
Brownfield, Guilda  
Brownfield, John  
Brownfield, Mina  
Brownfield, Oscar David  died Jun 10, 1940
Buchanan, Calvin Ross  
Buchanan, Myrtle  
Buchanan, Oliver  
Buchanan, Sheila  
Buckley, Frederick W.  
Buckingham, Arthur  
Bueckert, Edward  
Burt, Olive V.  
Burt, Richard  
Burt, Roland  

Caissie, Joseph A.  
Caissie, Marie B.  
Caissie, Norman  
Campbell, Betty Ann  
Campbell, Fanny Maud  
Campbell, George  
Campbell, James Elgin  
Campbell, Mary Rose  
Carter, Albert  
Chaffie, Frank  
Chamberland, J. A.  
Chamberland, Mathilda (baby)  
Chenard, Horace  
Chenard, Maria Clara  
Chenard, Napoleon Horace  
Chenard, Therese  died 1925
Choynicki, Bronislaw  
Choynicki, John  
Choynicki, Stanislawa  
Christiansen, Eloise  
Christiansen, Josephine Pearl  
Christiansen, Maxine Jean  Jan 16, 1970 - Jun 22, 2011 dau of Gordon & Lorraine
Clarkson, Arthur  
Clarkson, Willamena  
Clay, James  
Clement, Philip  
Coates, Fred  
Colby, Viola Mabel  
Colby, William 'Carl'  Sep 18, 1906 - 2001
Colk, Ted  died Feb 19, 2001
Cookman, Margaret  
Cookman, Sheryl  
Cookman, Sidney Arnold  
Cooper, Anthony Henry  
Cooper, Bella Evangeline  wife of Anthony 
Cooper, Joy Ann  
Cooper, Paulette (nee Otte)  Dec 23, 1942 - Dec 28, 2012 wife of Gary, dau of George & Antoinette
Cronk, Bernard  1947 - Jul 28, 2014
Corley, Hazel Joan  
Cowan, Herbert  
Cowie, John James  Mar 7, 1895 - Apr 6, 1956 son of Andrew & Annie (nee Gallagher)
Cozart, Delia Valerie  
Craddock, Cyril Edward  
Crashley, Annan (nee Dalton)  Sep 7, 1934 - Nov 3, 2016 dau of John & Delina
Crashley, Bertha  
Crashley, Glen Maurice  hus of Anna
Crashley, John  
Crashley, Kenneth  
Crashley, Margaret  
Crashley, Myrna  
Cromarthe, Todd  
Cronk, Jessie  
Cronk, Louis Erving  
Cronk, Robert  
Croteau, Rene  1950 - 1951William A.  

Dale, Christina  
Daley, Michael Gerald  
Daley, Myrtle Aileen (nee Herdman)  May 1, 1929 - Sep 2, 2014
Darbyshire, Frederick G.  
Davidson, A. M.  
Davidson, Blanche  
Davidson, David  
Davidson, Rachel  
Delisle, Ray  
Der Fong, Suey  
Diakow, Anna  
Diakow, Paul  
Dickinson, Bert  
Dickinson, Gladys Irene  
Diehl, Fred  
Diehl, William  
Dommerstern, Carl  
Dommerstern, Lissette  
Donald, Kim  1959 - 2013
Donald, William C.  Jun 24, 1934 - Jul 6, 2004
Dortman, Patricia Helen  
Dosenberg, Mrs.  
Doucet, Wilma  
Doucette, Albert  
Doucette, Alec  
Doucette, Carolyn Lee  
Doucette, Dona  
Doucette, Dora  
Doucette, Fidile (baby)  
Doucette, Gertrude  Madge  
Doucette, Grace  
Doucette, Helena  
Doucette, Muriel Martha  
Dougherty, Alice  
Dougherty, Joseph  
Dougherty, Patrick Maurice  
Dreaver, Henry  
Dreaver, Irene  
Dreaver, Margaret  
Dumais, Gladys  
Dumais, Joseph  
Dumais, Linda  
Dumais, Mary  
Dumais, Rene Donat  
Dumais, Shauna Marie  
Dumot, Albert  
Dunbar, Hubert Stanton  Jan 7, 1876 - Jul 11, 1946
Dunbar, Hubert  
Dunbar, Leslie  
Dunn, Alma  
Dunn, Dorothy Florence  Nov 27, 1933 - Nov 20, 1965
Dunn, Ethel May  Sep 16, 1921 - Sep 18, 2009
Dunn, Gail Eva  Jun 19, 1944 - Feb 19, 2002
Dunn, John Henry  Oct 31, 1860 - Jul 1, 1932
Dunn, Mary Deanna Clara (nee Pruden)  Feb 10, 1940 - Jul 7, 2012 dau of Robert & Margaret
Dunn, Ross Daniel  Aug 13, 1940 - Aug 29, 2007
Dunn, Ruth  1922 - 1926
Dunn, Sarah Alma (nee Leach)  Nov 10, 1868 - Mar 13, 1953 wife of John
Durocher, (unknown)  

Edson, Karin  
Edson, Nels  
Eikel, John  
Eldridge, Harold  
Emde, Annie  
Emde, Fred  
Erickson, Helga  
Ethier, Cecile  
Ethier, Ernest  
Ethier, Leo  
Ethier, Ronald Joseph  

Farmer, Alfred  
Fehr, Rose Marie  
Feldmier, Theresa  
Felt, Freda  
Felt, Roy Cliff  
Fenton, John C.  
Fenton, (unknown)  
Figland, Peter  
Filteau, Marie Jeanne  
Fischer, Frank  
Foley, Ed  
Fonos, Ivar  died Jul 4, 1982
Fonos, Mary  died Jul 31, 2004 wife of Ivar
Fonos, Rachel  
Fonos, Terry Arnold  
Forbes, Donald Craig  Feb 21, 1949 - Jun 2, 2010
Forbes, Georgina Marie (nee Anderson)  Apr 21, 1916 - Jan 21, 1962 dau of George & Mary
Forbes, James Andrew  1913 - 1987 hus of Georgina
Forbes, James S.  
Forbes, Mary Agnes  
Fortin, Joseph  
Fortin, Rene  
Fowler, Frank Stephen  
Frael, Patrick  
Friesen, Coral  

Gagne, Alice Juliette  
Gagnon, Edmond J.  
Gagnon, Elizabeth  
Gallagher, Robert J.  
Gallant, Alonzo Joseph  
Gallant, Emma (child)  
Gallant, Genevieve Marie (nee Arsenault)
Gallant, Gerard Alonzo  Jan 8, 1942 - Jun 1, 2003 hus of Barbara Simpson, son of Alonzo & Genevieve
Gallant, Eugenie  
Gallant, Henri  
Gallant, Kimberly  
Gamache, Georgina  
Geir, (unknown)  
Geneville, Jean Marie  
Geoffrey, Victor  
Gerow, Elizabeth  
Gerow, George B.  
Gerow, Lloyd  
Gibson, George  
Gibson, Ruth Elizabeth  
Giesbrecht, Bernard  
Giesbrecht, Helen  
Giesbrecht, Katherine  
Gilbert, Alma  
Gilbert, Harry  
Gilbert, Mae  
Gilbert, Mary Jane Ann (nee Watier)  Mar 25, 1956 - Aug 3, 2005
Gilbert, Richard ‘Dick’  
Giles, Thomas A.  
Gillingham, Mary  
Girouard, Cecile  
Godin, George Romeo  
Godin, Wilfred Joseph  
Goliath, Henrick  
Goliath, Marianne  
Gosselin, Maria  
Goral, Martin  
Gould, Grace  
Gould, Grant  
Gould, Keith  
Gould, William Ronald  
Grahn, Francis Arvid  
Grawburger, W.  
Greipl, Leo  
Grimard, (unknown)  
Grimmler, Heinz  
Grimmler, John  
Grimmler, Martha H.  
Grimmler, Virginia  
Gross, Adolph  
Gulbanson, Josephine Roseline  
Gunderson, Bernard  Mar 1, 1954 - Dec 28, 2008
Gunderson, Darlene Vivian  
Gunderson, Dwayne  Mar 29, 1958 - Oct 26, 2004
Gunderson, Gordon  1948 - 2012
Gunderson, Mildred  
Gunderson, Roy C.  Oct 10, 1918 - May 20, 1992
Guze, Tedor  

Haas, Frederick W.  
Haas, Johanna  
Hallide-Smith, Andrew  
Halsall, Donald Robert  1949 - 2011
Halsall, Mary H.  1926 - 1995
Halsall, Robert  1925 - 2010
Halsall, Thomas  
Halsall, William ‘Bill’  
Hannam, Albert James  died Feb 8, 1999
Hannam, Eileen  Jan 23, 1926 - Dec 4, 2009
Hannam, Richard  Jun 14, 1956 - May 6, 2004
Hansen, Rolf Singdol 'Ralph'  1904 - 1984 hus of Susan
Hansen, Susan Catherine (nee Yeo)  Sep 20, 1912 - Mar 13, 1994
Hartnett, John Howard ‘Jack’  Jan 28, 1922 - Mar 9, 2009  
Hartnett, Stella Louise  died 2000
Hartnett, Tom  died 2005 son of John & Stella
Harty, Alida  
Harty, Leo  
Harty, Marie  
Harty, Sherman  
Harty, Vera Martha  
Haut, Berny  
Hegland, Annie Milligan  
Hegland, Walter  
Heibert, Dave  
Heibert, Elizabeth  
Heibert, John  
Henderson, Cecil Godfrey  
Hendrikson, H.  
Hendrikson, Ionnes 
Hendrikson, Mrs. Ionnes  
Herdman, Ann (nee Premischook)  1903 - 1992
Herdman, Douglas Russell  Jan 4, 1934 - Nov 21, 2003
Herdman, Joseph William  Jun 4, 1862 - Mar 23, 1946
Herdman, Mary Jane (nee Walton)  May 27, 1862 - 1939
Herdman, Samuel Gordon  Apr 16, 1892 - Oct 10, 1945 son of Joseph & Mary
Hertu, Aime  
Hiltz, Dorothy  Feb 8, 1917 - Mar 13, 2010 wife of James
Hiltz, James  Feb 14, 1912 - Jun 13, 1999
Hiltz, Robert  
Hinson, William  
Hodgson, Joanne Denise  
Hodgson, May Louise  
Hodgson, Melvin  
Hollingsworth, A.  
Holmer, Anna  
Holmer, Arthur  
Holmer, Irene May  
Holmer, Rupert  
Homeniuk, Eugenie  
Homeniuk, Theodore  
Homeniuk, Sylvester  
Hughes, Hugh  
Hunt, Harriet  
Hunter, Lawrence Arnold  
Husack, Kenneth Arnold  
Huxted, Ellen Nellie  
Huxted, Thomas  
Huxted, Violet  
Hyatt, Alfred Keithen  
Hyatt, Sophronia  
Hyatt, Wilson Miles  

Isaacson, Il  
Isakson, Nils  
Isbister, Clifford Norman  
Isbister, Dennis  

Jarrsewich, Joseph  
Jarrsewich, Maria  
Jeffrey, Geoffry Victor  
Jensreed, Bartrand  
Jensreed, Deleno  
Johnson, Alexina Marie  1944 - 2010
Johnson, Anton  
Johnson, Arnold  
Johnson, Carlyle  
Johnson, Carole Ann  
Johnson, Charles Edwin  
Johnson, Donald  
Johnson, Dorothy  
Johnson, Edith  
Johnson, Eileen Violet  
Johnson, Eugene R.  1931 - 1993
Johnson, Fanny  
Johnson, Gail Celeste  
Johnson, Georgina  
Johnson, Ivy  
Johnson, J. K.  
Johnson, Jalmer Carl  
Johnson, Marlene Madelene  
Johnson, Percy  died 1991
Johnson, Rachel Huldah  
Johnson, Robert Allan  
Johnson, Sven  
Johnson, Mrs. Sven  
Johnson, William  
Johnston, Jean  
Johnston, Lyman  
Johnston, Rhoda Alice  
Johnston, Stanley Allen  

Kaese, Elisabeth Ida  died 1953
Kazmiruk, Alec  
Kazmiruk, Barbara  
Kazmiruk, Daniel  
Kazmiruk, Lee  
Kazmiruk, Therese  
Keenatch, Joseph Louis  
Keenatch, Laura  
Kelly, Philip  
Kemp, Clifford H.  Apr 18, 1989 age 82 hus of Flora
Kemp, Flora (nee Reed)  Oct 25, 1914 - May 17, 2011 dau of Tom & Ida
Kennedy, Athur Stephan  
Kennedy, Ethel  
Kennedy, Magaret  
Kennedy, Mathew Josia  May 10, 1904 - Oct 19, 1993
Kilbreath, Bernice Elizabeth  1936 - 2015
Kilbreath, Braidy  
Kilbreath, C. Dale  1928 - 1994
Kilbreath, Daisy L.  Oct 5, 1934 - May 11, 2003
Kilbreath, Ellen May  
Kilbreath, Lester John  
Kilbreath, Mylo  
Kilbreath, Ross W.  1934 - 1989
Kimber, Ronald Joseph  
Kimber, (unknown)  
King, Mary Ann  
Klassen, Delbert S.  
Klassen, John  
Klassen, Maria  
Klassen, Pete  
Klyne, Clarice Marie  
Klyne, Joseph  
Klyne, Joseph  
Klyne, Leonard  
Klyne, Melvin  
Klyne, Robert  
Klyne, Robert C.  
Kohne, Joseph C.  
Kowalyk, Mary  
Kowalyk, Stephen  
Kresney, Kathy  
Krienke, Edward  
Kuleck, Dora  
Kuleck, Edith  
Kuleck, Peter  

Labossiere, Germaine  
Lacombe, Joseph  
Ladoucer, Joseph Patrice  
Lafontaine, Alfred ‘Fred’  
Lafontaine, Florence Mary ‘Dolly’  
Lafontaine, Leonard  
LaLonde, Kadin  
Larmarche, Bertha  
Lamberton, Jessie R.  

Lamothe, Joseph E.  1891 - 1930
Lamothe, Marcel  
Lamothe, Pauline  
Lamothe, Susan Elizabeth Marcella  Jan 19, 1948 - Oct, 2016
Landry, Alex  Jul 6, 1869 - Dec 9, 1940
Landry, Isadore  
Landry, Jane  
Landry, Jeanne  
Lane, Mary Ellen Matilda  
Langford, Violet Eva  
Lanigan, Jack  
Lanigan, Loretta  
LaPlante, Elaine Mary  
LaPlante, Hercules  
LaPlante, Kevin Lee  
LaPlante, Tina Jean  
LaPlante, Valerie Jean  
Larson, Katherine  
Larson, Muriel Joan  Aug 9, 1927 - May 20, 2007
Lauren, Alphonse J.  1905 - 1984
Lauren, J. Hermus  
Lauren, Philomine M.  1893 - 1981 wife of Alphonse
Lavallee, Marie Louise  
Lavoie, Emmanuel  
Leach, Atta  
Leach, (baby)  
Leach, David  
Leach, Earl  
Leach, Evelyn May  
Leach, Ivan Charles  
Leach, Ray  
Leach, (unknown)  
Legouffe, Alma  
Legouffe, John  
Lemoal, Barbara Ann  
Lepinski, Alexander Phillipe  
Letondre, Naioma Marlene (nee Fonos)  Oct 9, 1938 - May 20, 2013 wife of Frank, dau of Ivar & Mary
Letarte, Leopordine  
Leverton, Anastasia 'Nellie' (nee Premischook)  Jan 6, 1906 - Dec, 2005 dau of Michael & Efrosynia
Leverton, Jesse James  
Leverton, Lily  
Leverton, Walter A.  
Libed, John  
Lineman, Frederick  
Lineman, Gemma 'Ann'  Jan 20, 1944 - Mar 16, 2010
Lineman, Susanna Catherine  
Little, Jessie David  
Lomsnes, Andrew  
Lomsnes, Anna  1917 - 1989 wife of Reidar
Lomsnes, Don Henry  
Lomsnes, John Leonard  Aug 16, 1964 - Oct 25, 2013
Lomsnes, Lanna Marie  
Lomsnes, Leonard Raymond  Jan 28, 1939 - Feb 18, 2016
Lomsnes, Reidar  1908 - 2001
Lucier, Paul  
Ludeck, Michael  
Lueken, Anthony Andrew  
Lueken, Eleanor  
Lueken, Emma  
Lueken, Henry  
Lueken, Herbert  
Lueken, Hilaura  
Lueken, Raphael  
Lundy, Edward  
Lundy, Elizabeth Huldah  

Macinnis, Jane  
MacPherson, Donald  
Malinowski, Joseph  
Malm, Carl A.  
Malone, Denis  
Marquette, George  
Marsh, Thomas  
Martel, Isabelle  
Martel, June  
Martin, Arnold Walter  
Martin, Charles Henry  
Martin, Christine  
Martin, Clayton  
Martin, Ella Nora  
Martin, Gilbert  
Martin, Irene  
Martin, Joseph Albert  
Martin, Louis Gasford  
Martin, Marie Sarah  
Martin, Sylvia Louise  
Martinson, Evelyn  1914 - 1948
Marton, Ann  
Marton, John  
Mayo, Robert  
McAdam, Alexandre  
McAdam, Linda Rose  
McBride, Thomas  died Feb 16, 1970
McConnell, Sam  
McCullough, Charles  
McCullough, Rosa Marie  
McGrath, Florence  Mar 10, 1923 - Aug 23, 1993
McKay, Darlene Elizabeth  Mar 6, 1952 - Dec 24, 2007
McKay, Doreen Mary  Nov 2, 1958 - Mar 31, 2003
McKay, Mary Alice  Dec 1, 1925 - Oct 4, 2000
McKay, Rosa Marie  
McKay, William Creighton  Jan 25, 1909 - Dec 4, 1991
McKee, Dsamuel  
McKenzie, Charles  
McKnight, Beryl Doris (nee Pinchin)  Mar 10, 1928 - Jan 21, 2008
McKnight, Francis  
McKnight, George  
McLean, Stuart Jack  
McLuny, W.  
McMahon, Jacob Wyatt  
McMahon, Janice B.  
McTaggart, Bruce Sam  
McTaggart, Dorothy  1930 - 2004
McTaggart, Georgina 
McTaggart, Mary Alice  
Meyer, Melvin  
Meyers, Eleanor Rita  
Meyers, Betty Elizabeth  
Meyers, Joseph John  
Meyers, Katrina ‘Tena’  
Michel, Albert A.  
Michel, C. E.  
Michel, Carol C.  died 1915
Michel, Caroline (baby)  
Michel, David  
Michel, Harland Curtis  
Michel, Herbert  Jul 28, 1916 - Oct 24, 2009
Michel, Mary (nee McInnis)  Jun 16, 1923 - Jul 4, 2007
Michel, Patricia  
Michel, Phillippe  
Michel, Rene  
Michel, T. D.  
Midgett, Sheldon Levourne  
Miller, Isaac  
Miller, Martin  
Miller, Mary  died 1953
Miller, Sam  1927 - 2011
Miller, Serge Allan  
Miller, Susanna  
Miller, Thomas  1929 - 1990
Miller, William  1949 - 1953
Miller, William Joseph  
Milligan, Arthur  
Milligan, Caroline Christine  
Milligan, Grace  
Milligan, James I.  
Milligan, John James  
Milligan, William Hugh  
Millikin, Andrew  
Millikin, Doris  
Millikin, George  
Millikin, John 'Jack'  May 22, 1922 - Nov 26, 2006
Millikin, Katherine  
Millinger, Anton  
Minnie, Frank  
Mirasty, Narcisse  
Mirasty, Ron  
Mirasty, Rose  
Mirasty, Wilfred George  
Mitchell, Bertram William  
Mitchell, Doris  
Mitchell, Gordon  
Modine, Sven
Modine, Tina  
Morin, Edith M. Eleanor  
Morin, Ernest  
Morin, Francoise  
Morin, Jean Marie  
Morin, Judith  
Morin, Louis  
Morin, Louis Ralph  
Morin, Mary Ann  
Morin, Wilfred  
Morin-Rochefort, Marie  
Munns, Maud  
Mutch, Scott  
Myers, Lorne Joseph  Aug 23, 1936 - Jan 29, 2014

Neilson, Armond Russell  
Neilson, Edith Mary  
Neilson, Francis  
Neilson, Francis Louis  
Neilson, Francis Russell  
Neilson, Henry John  
Neilson, Kenneth Arthur  
Neilson, Sophia  
Neubuhr, Leon  
Neubuhr, Leonard  
Neubuhr, Lyla  
Neufeld, Andrew  
Newman, (unknown)  
Newton, Ivery  
Newton, Lorna  
Newton, Mary  
Neufeldt, Darryl James  Mar 27, 1970 - Jul 4, 2015
Nicholson, Joseph  
Nicholson, Thomas David  
Normandeau-Webster, Anne (nee Kasper)  Mar 3, 1929 - Dec 24, 2014

Oakes, Charles  
O’Connor, Basil Thomas  
Olenchuk, James Peter  Jan 12, 1943 - May 28, 2014
Olenchuk, Josephine  
Olenchuk, Peter Sr.  
Olsen, Alice  
Olsen, Edwin  
Olsen, Martin B.  
Olson, Arthur Bertel  
Olson, Edwin  
Olson, Gilbert  
Olson, Ida  
Olson, John ‘Jack’
Olson, Kim  
Olson, Leo Jesse  
Olson, Leslie Clayton  
Olson, Lyle Edward  
Olson, Lyndon Leslie  
Olson, Marianne  
Olson, Olaus B.  
Olson, Oscar  
Olson, Rita  
Olson, Seibert O.  
Ormiston, Lloyd  
Osinchuk, Alexander  
Osinchuk, Emma Elizabeth G.  
Otte, Antoinette Regina (nee Chenard)  Nov 19, 1917 - Sep 1, 2007 wife of George
Otte, George  Jul 13, 1912 - May 15, 1985
Otte, Joseph W.  May 13, 1864 - Sep 14, 1944
Otte, Magdelena (nee Hoffarth)  May 5, 1872 - Aug 21, 1956 wife of Joseph
Otte, William  1895 - 1980
Over, Ernest C.  

Panter, Anthony Harold  
Panter, Anton B.  
Panter, Cory  
Panter, George 
Panter, Nita Daisy  
Panter, Victor  
Pare, Alexander  
Pare, William  
Park, Alexander  
Parker, Fred  
Parker, Henry  
Parker, Sherry  
Parrish, Myron  
Parsons, Paul  
Patrick, Annie Edith  
Pederson, Clarence  
Pederson, Elnorra ‘Norrie’  
Pederson, Harvey Allan  
Peterson, Lawrence Ben  
Phillips, Barbara  
Phillips, Henry James  
Phillips, J. A.  
Phillips, John Harry  
Phillips, Murray  
Phillips, Nellie Grace  
Phillips, Orland Lee  
Pilney, Hannah Theresa  
Pilney, Jack  
Pister, Florence Clara  Aug 24, 1933 - Jan 5, 2009 wife of Wilfred
Pister, Wilfred  Jan 26, 1934 - Dec 25, 2009
Plante, Joseph  
Poirer, (unknown) 1  
Poirer, (unknown) 2  
Poirer, (unknown) 3  
Poirer, (unknown) 4  
Potts, (baby)  
Potts, Bertha  
Potts, Edward  
Potts, Lawrence William  
Potts, Leslie R.  
Potts, Mary Jane  
Potts, Robert E.  
Potts, William ‘Bill’
Premischook, Julia  Jan 20, 1914 - Apr 6, 2011
Premischook, Michael  1855 - 1939 hus of Efrosynia Kosiewicz
Price, Delbert Clarence  
Price, Patricia  Mar 7, 1940 - Jun 27, 2006
Prosofsky, Misty Dee  
Proulx, Gilbert  
Proulx, Giselle  
Proulx, Lucy  
Pruden, Elmira  1891 - 1962 wife of Joseph
Pruden, Joseph  Apr 4, 1893 - Aug 5, 1953
Pruden, Margaret Hellen (nee Otte)  Aug 14, 1907 - May 4, 2002 wife of Robert
Pruden, Victor  died May 7, 1949
Purcell, Robert John  

Radchenko, Andrew  
Radchenko, Mary  
Rae, Alma  
Rae, Jack  
Rainey, Agnes  
Rainey, Hughie  
Randall, Henry ‘Hank’  
Randall, Lillian Rae  
Redhead, Flora  
Redhead, Fred  
Reed, Bertha Mary  Jun 25, 1914 - Apr 9, 2001
Reed, Ernest  
Reed, Henry Earl  died Feb 10, 1994
Reed, Ida  
Reed, Mabel  wife of E.
Reed, Martha  
Reed, Maureen (nee Weir)  Dec 4, 1953 - Oct 9, 2009 wife of Scott
Reed, Oscar  
Reed, Samuel  
Reilly, Albert  
Reilly, Earl Melross 'Bill'  1927 - 1993
Reimer, Chantal  Dec 25, 1997 - Aug 15, 2001
Reimer, Clifford Thomas  
Reimer, George  
Reimer, Howard William  
Reimer, John  
Reimer, John  
Reimer, Joyce Toms  
Reimer, Mrs. John  
Reimer, Pete  
Rekve, Edward  
Rekve, Ingvold  
Rekve, Irene  
Renault, Henry  
Reves, Hazel  
Rizer, Mrs. Carson Carey
Rochefort, Joseph Raymond  
Roberts, Alfred Henry  
Rondeau, Joseph  
Roth, Henry  
Roth, Robert  
Roth, Robert James  
Roth, William  
Roy, Alice  
Roy, George  
Roy, Jules  
Roy, Louis  
Roy, Margaret Marian  
Roy, Marie  
Roy, Norman  
Roy, Philbert M.  

Samonchuk, Joseph  
Sanders, George  
Sanderson, Camille  
Sandry, Christine  
Sandry, Damien  
Sandry, Doris  Feb 2, 1924 - Oct 1, 2005
Sandry, James  Jul 25, 1910 - Apr 27, 2001
Sandry, Leo Harry  
Sandry, Nancy  1943 - 2015 dau of James & Doris
Sawatzky, Elton  
Schellenberg, John  
Schlitz, Frank  
Schlitz, Melvin  
Schloegel, Frank Louis  
Schloegel, Rosella  
Schlotter, Richard  
Schmidt, Donat  
Schmidt, Gladys  
Schmidt, Jakob  
Schmidt, Robert  
Schneider, Henry  
Schneider, Isabelle Marie  
Schneider, Robert  
Scimshaw, Charles  
Scimshaw, Douglas  
Scimshaw, Thomas  
Scriven, Agnes Alexis (nee Waugh)  1923 - 1989 wife of Malcolm
Scriven, Malcolm Leroy  1921 - 2004
Segree, George  
Servatius, Sylvia  
Sevard, Thomas 
Sharp, Roy Albert  
Sharp, Shirley  
Sheppherd, E. James  
Shukin, Alex  
Shukin, Grant N.  
Shukin, Kathy  
Shukin, Nicoli  
Shukin, Sylvia  
Skilliter, Billy  
Skilliter, Gary Brian  
Skilliter, Mary  
Skilliter, Phillip  
Skilliter, Reuben  
Skinner, Robert  
Skopyk, Eva  
Skopyk, Mike  
Skopyk, Wazyl  
Smith, Albert 
Smith, Austin  
Smith, Evelyn Lenea  
Smith, Francis William H.  
Smith, Joyce Hetty Nellie  
Smith, Lewis George  
Smith, Lillian  
Smith, Lilly  Sep 26, 1928 - Jan 12, 2003 wife of Richard
Smith, Mary  
Smith, Richard Donald  Apr 17, 1927 - Dec 1, 2011
Smith, Robert Edgar  
Smith, Thomas David  
Smith, Wayne Richard  Nov 5, 1952 - Jan 8, 2009
Snell, Alfred Lloyd  
Snell, Andrew  
Snell, Bernice (nee Belfry)  May 20, 1928 - 2014 dau of Jacob & Eleanor
Snell, Clarence A.  Aug 26, 1989 age 70
Snell, Claudia  Jan 30, 1926 - Jun 6, 1999
Snell, Gladys  
Snell, Josephine  
Snell, Lloyd Alfred  Apr 23, 1929 - Oct 31, 2001
Snell, Robert  1921 - 2005 hus of Bernice
South, Amy M.  
South, Harry  
South, Lily  
South, (unknown)  child of Amy
Sprecker, Carl Charles  
Sprecker, Christine  
St. Jean, Arthur  
Straub, Ernest  
Straub, Matilda  
Suey, Der Fong (baby)  
Suinard, Armand  
Sullivan, Arnold James  
Sullivan, Jane  
Sullivan, Richard Paul  
Sundby, LaDonna  
Sundby, Mayme  
Swanson, Bernice  
Swanson, Darlene  
Swanson, Eric  
Swanson, Eugene  Mar 9, 1934 - Apr 1, 2012 hus of Merle, son of Gustavo & Viola
Swanson, Gota Viola  
Swanson, Gustave  
Swanson, Howard  
Swanson, Margaret  wife of Howard
Swanson, Norman  
Swedberg, Helen  
Swedberg, Glenn O.  Apr 15, 1926 - Oct 15, 2002
Swedberg, Oscar  
Sweeney, James  
Sweeney, Joseph William  
Sweeney, Mary Belle ‘May’  
Sweeney, Parmelia  
Sweeney, Rose Anne  
Sweet, George Harry  
Syers, Joseph  
Szwarek, Karolina  1881 - 1917

Tardif, Leo  
Tardif, Todd Robert  
Teer, Ethel Ilene  
Teer, Jack  
Teer, James Mitchell  
Teer, Kelsey Michelle  
Teer, Louise A.  
Teer, Lucy  
Teer, Lucy E.  
Teer, Samuel  
Teer, Sarah  
Teing, (baby)  
Teing, (baby)  
Telford, Dwight Graham  
Thibeault, Ann Marie Evelyn  
Thibeault, Ella  
Thibeault, Charles James  
Thibeault, George  
Thibeault, George  
Thibeault, George  
Thibeault, Mrs. George  
Thibeault, Joseph Noel  
Thibeault, Louise  
Thibeault, Mary  
Thibeault, Michael  
Thibeault, (unknown) 1  
Thibeault, (unknown) 2  
Thibeault, Samuel  
Thiessen, Diedrich  
Thiessen, John  
Thompson, Archie  
Thompson, Catherine Grace  
Thompson, Dennis  
Thompson, Fred  
Thompson, Grace Mary (nee Blanchette)  wife of John
Thompson, Hannah  
Thompson, Jack  
Thompson, John Stephen  Aug 4, 1907 - Jan 24, 1983 son of Bjarni & Steinum
Thompson, Minnie  
Thompson, Neil  
Thompson, T.  
Tremblay, Thomas  1883 - 1931 hus of Mary
Turner, Leonard Richard  

Uhrich, Katherine  
Uhrich, Phil  
Uhrich, William T.  
Unger, Abe  

Vancoughnett, Elmer  
Vancoughnett, Millie  
Vancoughnett, Ralph  
Van Dyke, Alice  
Vandreuil, Elsie Marie  
Veino, Frederick  
Viden, Bonnie Louise  
Villeneuve, Edward  
Vold, Fred  
Vermette, Lawrence  Jun 3, 1937 - Aug 21, 2015

Wagenaar, Joseph  
Waite, John  
Waite, Leonard  
Waite, Martha  
Waite, Maud  
Walker, Gordon  
Walker, Gordon Alexander  
Wall, Agatha  1899 - 1992
Wall, Benjamin  
Wall, Cheryl Heather  
Wall, Harley  May 24, 1939 - Feb 6, 2015
Wall, John B.  1896 - 1988
Wall, Marie  
Warriner, Barbara  
Warriner, Eleanor  
Warriner, George  
Warriner, R. B.  
Warriner, Richard  
Warriner, Thomas A. Jennings  
Warriner, Thomas Robert  
Watier, Jane  
Watier, Joseph Romuald  Aug 18, 1918 - Jun 20, 1992
Watier, Mary Jane  died 1953
Watier, Pierre Rene ‘Peter’  Apr 9, 1925 - Oct 23, 2004 son of Edouard & Maria
Watson, Elwood  
Webb, Archie  
Webb, Charles Roy  
Webb, Howard Richard  
Webb, Raymond Allan  
Webster, Clarence  
Weir, Carman Robert  Feb 20, 1924 - Jan 3, 2000
Weir, Viola Lenora  1921 - 1989
White, Joseph James  
Wicinski, Stefan  
Wiggins, Edgar  
Williams, Alberta Pearl  
Williams, Barry  
Williams, Clarence  
Wilson, George V.  
Wilson, Irene Viola  
Wilson, Laura (nee Gould)  wife of Max
Wilson, Kent  
Wilson, Max  Jan 8, 1928 - Sep 26, 2005 son of George & Violet
Wilson, Maxine Laura  dau of Max & Laura
Wilson, Reg  
Wilson, W. B. 
Wirtz, Edwin Peter  Sep 10, 1924 - Oct 26, 2012 hus of Belroy Newton, son of Leonard & Ottilia  
Wood, Allyn  
Woods, Helen  
Woods, Henry Frank  
Woolheiser, Leonard  
Wopnford, (unknown)  
Worner, Marguerite  
Wychodzew, Franziska  
Wychodzew, Theodore P.  

Young, James  
Young, Kate Doris (nee Vaadeland)  Nov 21, 1939 - Jan 14, 2008
Young, Thomas  
Young, Mary  
Young, Mary Ann  
Young, Wilfred  
Young, William J.  
Yur, Andrew  
Yur, Ksenia  
Yurach, Domna  
Yurach, Fredrick  
Yurach, Lyle  
Yurach, William  

Zeroski, George  
Ziegler, Agnes  
Ziegler, Anthony Paul  
Ziegler, Carl  
Ziegler, Carl Joseph  Feb 1, 1932 - May 13, 1955 son of Edward
Ziegler, Casemir  
Ziegler, Doris  
Ziegler, Edward  1901 - Jan, 1993
Ziegler, Eileen Agnes  
Ziegler, Frederick Joseph  May 5, 1927 - Jul 20, 2015
Ziegler, Harry 
Ziegler, Henry Phillip  1892 -
Ziegler, Robert  
Ziegler, Veronica (nee Laliberte)  May 20, 1924 - Aug 30, 2007 wife of Edward
Zinovich, Alexandra  
Zinovich, Emil  
Zinovich, Leonard Garry  1944 - 2014

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