Anderson, (baby) 1939 - 1939 child of William & Jeneiva Anderson, Eva L. (baby) 1935 - 1935 dau of William & Jeneiva Anderson, Jeneiva (nee Kirby) 1913 - 1987 Anderson, William 1901 - 1984 Baker, Harry Tindall Jan 25, 1899 - Jul 28, 2002 Benjamin, Harry George Sep 4, 1928 - May 2, 2004 son of E. C. & Grace (nee Foster) Brillon, Lydia 1929 - Brillon, Rene 1928 - Broten, Henry 1918 - 1918 son of Halvar & Laura Broten, Olga 1910 - 1922 dau of Halvar & Laura Cataract, Morrisen 1908 - Jan 2, 1924 son of Jane Clark, (baby) Clark, Celia Bertha (nee Kirby) 1920 - 1971 dau of Wesley & Mable (nee Johnson) Clark, Gerald Roy Jul 4, 1942 - Dec 24, 2008 son of Lindsay & Mary (nee Wright) Clark, Miriam Maude 1938 - 1938 Clark, William Henry 1914 - 1991 son of William & Mary (nee McAfee) Corbett, Samuel Thomas 1885 - 1941 hus of Rita Deroo, Camiel Nov 26, 1885 - Apr 4, 1973 Deroo, Grace Gertrude (nee Foster) Benjamin Aug 22, 1889 - Jun 13, 1968 wife of Camiel Foster, Vincent Shawn 1971 - 2005 Frank, Valerie (nee Totton) 1958 - 1999 son of John & Audrey (nee Phillips) Gent, Kayla Ann 1995 - Jul 29, 1995 dau of Neil & Amanda (nee Peacock) Gent, Robert Frederick Sep 14, 1924 - Jan 1, 2007 son of Edward & Pearl Gent, Sylvia M. (nee Colvin) 1928 - Harkness, Marie L. (nee Poil) 1906 - 1929, 1st wife of Norman Harkness, Norman Leonard Jan 14, 1903 - Jan 1, 1997 Harkness, Selma D. (nee Carlson) Aug 27, 1903 - Jan 28, 1997 dau of Anton & Oline Harkness, Valerie Maxine 1938 - 1947 dau of Norman & Selma Johnson, Brien 1957 - 2014 Johnson, Carl (baby) Johnson, Clarence James Dec 28, 1892 - Mar 27, 1963 son of Elmer & Julia Johnson, Clyde Ellsworth Jan 13, 1890 - Jun 4, 1959 son of Elmer & Julia Johnson, Elmer E. 1859 - 1944 Johnson, Evelyn J. 1918 - 1919 Johnson, Irene 1931 - Johnson, James Jan 1, 1953 - Jun 30, 2010 Johnson, Julia Ann (nee Guigon) 1867 - 1960 Johnson, Mary Margaret Nov 28, 1948 - May 26, 1949 dau of Clifford & Margaret (nee Byrne) Johnson, Olive 'Mae' (nee Ferguson) 1893 - 1953 Johnson, Orville Delmar Aug 19, 1923 - Mar 17, 1985 son of Clyde & Sara Johnson, Oscar Elmer Nov 21, 1914 - Jul 31, 1957 hus of Marie Dahl, son of Clyde & Sara Johnson, Rose Jun 11, 1926 - Jun 11, 1926 dau of Clyde & Sara Johnson, Sandra 1949 - 1996 (buried in Calgary, AB) Johnson, Sara Janet 'Sadie' (nee Ferguson) 1889 - 1931 Johnson, Vera Agnes (nee Schnell) Jun 23, 1926 - May 20, 2011 Johnson, Walter 1928 - Kirby, Elmer G. 1908 - 1985 son of Wesley & Mable Kirby, Gertrude E. (nee Beatty) 1921 - 2016 Kirby, Glen Wesley 1918 - 1983 son of Wesley & Mable Kirby, Grace B. (nee Johnson) 1896 - 1946 dau of Elmer & Julia Kirby, John N. 1851 - 1933 Kirby, Mabel Edna (nee Johnson) 1886 - 1958 dau of Elmer & Julia Kirby, Margaret Annie Sep 8, 1918 age 7 mos, dau of Norman & Grace Kirby, Margaret Eileen (nee Valentine) 1919 - 1987 dau of Thomas & Jean Kirby, Norman Levi 1890 - 1976 hus of Grace Johnson & Gladys Roberts Kirby, Wesley Allan May 11, 1951 - Oct 31, 1971 son of Elmer & Gertrude Kirby, Wesley Howard 1885 - 1949 son of John Kirchner, Henrietta (nee Hammer) Dec 1831 - Nov 27, 1910 wife of Philip Kirchner, Philip Aug 6, 1932 - Jan 5, 1911 Laursen, Laurel Thorvald Oct 25, 1932 - Aug 8, 2005 hus of Carol Roberts Lock, William 1928 - 1928 MacLean, (baby) 1929 - 1929 child of Alan & Edith May (nee Davis) Noble, Lorne 1905 - 1987 son of Francis & Emma (nee Kempthorne) Noble, Olive Grace (nee Kirby) 1912 - 1969 wife of Lorne, dau of Wesley & Mable Noble, William 1942 - 1942 Paterson, Willie 1916 - 1933 son of James & Mary (nee Young) Peacock, Richard Scot Mar 26, 1979 - Jul 1, 1998 son of George & Jenny (nee Taylor) Peterman, Milton M. Jan 6, 1903 - Jun 17, 1960 son of William & Christina (nee Rissi) Peterman, Norma Julia (nee Kirby) Jul 8, 1906 - Dec 24, 1969 dau of Wesley & Mable Petreman, Gordon 1928 - 1928 son of Milton & Norma Petreman, Harvey Glenn 'Harry' May 16, 1932 - Jul 13, 1991 hus of Marie Klyne, son of Milton & Norma Petreman, Wesley Elmer Oct 30, 1933 - Jan 9, 1975 son of Milton & Norma Petreman, William 1861 - Sep 27, 1932 son of Celestin & Sylvia Poil, Bessie Lavada (nee Fry) 1888 - Jul 1, 1925 Poil, Elizabeth Mary (nee Willford) Apr 26, 1921 - May 24, 1995 dau of Frank & Sarah (nee Stewart) Poil, Oliver Leo Mar 10, 1920 - Mar 25, 1962 hus of Elizabeth, son of William & Bessie Poil, William Archie 1883 - Mar 25, 1956 Roscoe, Eugene Apr 12, 1929 - Apr 24, 2007 hus of Ellen Kirby, son of Nicholas & Katherine Ross, Doris Mabel Dec 29, 1943 - Nov 26, 1991 dau of Henry & Sarah Ross, Ellen B. Dr. (nee Ross) Mar 31, 1950 - Nov 18, 1993 wife of Stanley Hall, dau of Henry & Sarah Ross, Henry L. 1915 - 1966 hus of Sarah Weeks Setrum, Amanda (nee Gjervik) 1890 - 1966 wife of Henry Setrum, (baby) Setrum, (baby) Setrum, Henry 1886 - 1947 Stremel, Philip John 1894 - 1915 Totton, Audrey E. (nee Phillips) 1926 - Totton, John Robert Aug 13, 1927 - May 3, 2007 son William & Ruth Totton, Ruth Anna (nee Clark) 1901 - Feb 1962 Totton, Ruth Emma 1935 - Jun 29, 1935 dau of dau of William & Ruth Totton, William Robert Sep 30, 1896 - Aug 2, 1985 Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Valentine, Jean Mather (nee Blackburn) 1875 - 1961 wife of Thomas Valentine, Thomas Henry 1875 - 1948 Wagner, Philip May 10, 1882 - May 11, 1910 Waldo, (baby) 1936 - 1936 son of Harold & Rose (nee McCabe) Waldo, Donald George (baby) 1933 son of Harold & Rose Waldo, John Charles 1880 - 1935 hus of Jenny Aitken Wangen, John Jr. 1881 - 1948 Watt, David Sr. 1828 - Aug 27, 1913 Weinrauch, Virginia Apr 1, 1945 - Apr 30, 2013 White, Albert Ernest Feb 23, 1885 - Nov 1959 hus of Alma & Mabel, son of Thomas & Eleanor White, Alma G. (nee Young) 1888 - 1916, 1st wife of Albert White, Lloyd George Mar 13, 1919 - Jan 19, 2004 son of Albert & Mable White, Mabel Irene (nee Wangen) 1895 - Apr 1962 dau of John & Oleena Willford, Emma J. (nee Johnson) Jul 24, 1900 - Sep 23, 1923 wife of Albert J.
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