Afseth, Anton 1887 - 1976 Afseth, Antonette Mar 1, 1844 - Jan 1, 1916 wife of Mons Afseth, Mons Dec 17, 1844 - Jan 11, 1935 Afseth, Olga 1887 - 1961 wife of Anton Andal, Alvin Olaf Aug 22, 1917 - Apr 25, 1998 Andal, Grace Agnes Christina (nee Boynton) 1920 - 2014 wife of Alvin Andal, Haakon 1915 - 1996 Andal, Henry J. Oct 31, 1888 - Feb 2, 1965 Andal, Ingolf Feb 22, 1922 - Jun 18, 2008 Andal, Lois Margaret (nee Stafford) 1922 - 1999 wife of Haakon Andal, Mathilda D. Feb 28, 1892 - Sep 14, 1990 wife of Henry Andal, Olga Jul 24, 1925 - Dec 6, 2002 wife of Ingolf Anderson, Martin 1871 - 1958 Armstrong, Robert John 1924 - 2000 Babcock, John O. 1870 - 1958 Babcock, Nona L. 1916 - 1994 wife of Willard Babcock, Sarah R. 1878 - 1944 Babcock, Willard 1910 - 1990 Balch, Elmer F. 1863 - 1950 Balch, Lucy E. (nee Gaylord) 1868 - Dec 10, 1950 wife of Elmer Balch, Martha Geneva Aug 7, 1897 - May 22, 1940 Berg, Christina Otillie 1870 - 1950 wife of John Berg, John 1866 - 1961 Bergren, Lloyd Sigvard 1916 - 1986 Boynton, Frederick died Jan 24, 1921 Boynton, Hazel A. 1917 - 2008 wife of Herbert Boynton, Herbert F. 1908 - 1988 Boynton, Kevin R. 1964 - 1984 Brandle, Carl 1878 - 1959 Bratberg, Berthe 1876 - 1944 wife of Johannes Bratberg, Johannes 1868 - 1945 Bratberg, Lavern 1955 - 2013 dau of Louis Bratberg, Louis 1912 - 1995 Broste, Alice Mable Jul 18, 1905 - Jan 21, 1998 Broste, Annie 1880 - 1927 wife of Benjamin Broste, Benjamin 1874 - 1953 Broste, Carl 1877 - 1959 Broste, Endrew 1916 - 1916 Carlson, Agnes 1930 - 2013 wife of Louis Carlson, Bertha Apr 12, 1897 - Nov 28, 1962 Carlson, Clifford N. Jun 20, 1916 - Jan 13, 1997 Carlson, Emma M. Feb 21, 1914 - Apr 18, 1999 wife of Clifford Carlson, Knute Dec 1, 1891 - Sep 17, 1969 Carlson, Louis S. 1926 - 2002 Chisholm, Rose S. Oct 8, 1872 - Mar 9, 1943 Cochran, Arthur Alonzo 1894 - 1955 Cochran, Harold E. 1952 - 1969 Cochran, Helen Irene 1900 - 1953 Cochran, Mary Alice 1862 - 1948 Cochran, Melbern A. 1922 - 1978 Cochran, Sarah J. 1928 - 2013 wife of Melbern Derbowka, Landon Michael Feb 7, 1985 - Jan 21, 2000 Erickson, Alfred 1889 - 1976 Erickson, Ida Lillian 1882 - 1968 wife of Alfred Ferguson, Angus 1874 - 1953 Ferguson, Annie 1874 - 1935 Ferguson, Donald 1901 - 1946 Ferguson, Norman 1910 - 1979 Freedman, Allan N. May 20, 1958 - Freedman, Brenda L. (nee Hanson) Aug 10, 1964 - Dec 21, 2013 wife of Allan Gage, Clarice (nee Peterson) Sep 15, 1916 - Apr 17, 1990 wife of Harvey Gage, Edward Derwent Apr 28, 1895 - Nov 26, 1949 Gage, Edwin Edward (twin) died Sep 7, 1949 Gage, Eva Gertrude (nee Green) Jun 12, 1894 - May 3, 1973 Gage, Harvey Nov 11, 1918 - Jul 20, 1982 Gage, Ruth Aug 27, 1921 - Jul 18, 2010 wife of Victor Gage, Sharon Margaret (twin) died Sep 10, 1949 Gage, Vera Lynn died May 22, 1967 Gage, Victor Feb 8, 1921 - Mar 13, 1980 Gamble, Allan 1912 - 1987 Gamble, Dorothy 1916 - 1995 wife of Allan Garrison, Edwin L. 1886 - 1955 Garrison, Hannah S. 1891 - 1984 Green, Emma Elizabeth Aug 17, 1873 - Dec 7, 1936 wife of Victor Green, Victor Maurice Dec 1, 1871 - Dec 16, 1956 Halverson, John 1858 - 1924 Hanson, Allie A. 1898 - 1966 Hanson, Amund Nov 25, 1863 - Jul, 1947 Hanson, Antonetta 'Nettie' (nee Jensen) Jun 11, 1867 - May, 1943 wife of Amund Hanson, Clifford James May 4, 1909 - Oct 19, 1986 Hanson, Eleanor (nee Afseth) 1911 - 2004 wife of Melvin Hanson, Harold 1880 - 1938 Hanson, Harold V. 1910 - 1997 hus of Helen Hanson, Helen Irene (nee Stafford) Feb 28, 1919 - Sep 13, 2014 Hanson, Melvin M. 1904 - 1977 Hess, Frank J. 1889 - 1956 Hettrick, Ivan Earl 1929 - 1962 Hettrick, Mary Jane 1841 - May 5, 1916 wife of William Hettrick, William D. Dec 18, 1865 - Mar 5, 1949 Hingley, A. Jean 1896 - 1928 wife of George Hingley, George A. 1888 - 1932 Isaacson, Annie 1916 - 2000 Isaacson, Arnold O. 1927 - 1988 Isaacson, Carl John 1888 - 1973 Isaacson, Carrie 1872 - 1940 Isaacson, Emil 1886 - 1912 Isaacson, Olga M. (nee Hanson) 1906 - 1986 wife of Oscar Isaacson, Oscar O. 1898 - 1937 Jensen, Christian 1884 - 1976 Johnson, Carl 1892 - 1917 Johnson, Iona 1924 - 1930 Johnson, Lyle Duane 1933 - 2010 Johnson, Oliver 1889 - 1927 Johnson, Signe Marie 1909 - 1998 Kvam, Edward Jan 27, 1888 - Nov 24, 1967 Kvam, Hans E. Oct 22, 1880 - Mar 23, 1914 Kvam, Mary Apr 1, 1885 - Sep 1, 1964 Kvam, Mathea E. Jan 26, 1877 - Nov 13, 1918 wife of Hans Lokken, Alma (nee Hanson) Dec 20, 1902 - Dec, 1936 wife of Morris Lokken, Hannah 1875 - 1927 Lokken, John 1870 - 1944 Lokken, Lester 1906 - 1987 Lokken, Morris 1896 - 1960 Lundback, Dora A. 1901 - 1988 Lundback, Victor J. 1892 - 1962 Martyniuk, Robert E. J. 1966 - 2008 McFarlane, Annie Bernice (nee Person) 1922 - 2010 wife of Eugene McFarlane, Carrie R. 1898 - 1976 wife of James McFarlane, Eugene Hettrick 1919 - McFarlane, James E. 1887 - 1976 McFarlane, Lila M. 1896 - 1992 wife of Andrew McFarlane, Sandra 1949 - 1950 McFarlane, Silas J. Nov 28, 1884 - Jan 12, 1963 Metcalfe, Florence (nee Ibbotson) 1879 - 1955 wife of Joseph Metcalfe, Joseph George 1882 - 1955 Miller, Louise A. N. 1900 - 1978 Moen, Anna 1872 - 1938 Moen, (baby) Moen, Ingvald 1883 - 1971 Moen, Magna 1906 - 1974 Moen, Theodor 1910 - 1912 Neighbour, Annie 1876 - 1929 wife of Edwin Neighbour, Edwin J. 1873 - 1969 Nelson, Agnes M. 1898 - 1973 wife of Olaf Nelson, Charles 1859 - 1942 Nelson, Eldon Harry Jul 12, 1944 - Nov 14, 1951 Nelson, H. Elroy 1927 - 1995 Nelson, Harry May 2, 1910 - May 16, 2009 Nelson, Kevin 1960 - 1966 Nelson, Norbert 1925 - 1965 Nelson, Olaf N. 1890 - 1985 Nelson, Susie 1872 - 1942 wife of Charles Nelson, Thedore 1879 - 1952 Nelson, Vivian 1930 - 2009 wife of Norbert Neufeld, Myrtle Christina Jul 8, 1927 - Jan 26, 1972 Nilson, Darryl Marvin 2 1944 - 1993 Norelius, Andrew F. Nov 8, 1855 - Feb 22, 1925 Norelius, Chester 1879 - 1974 Norelius, Linnie Belle 1889 - 1968 Norelius, Mary Ann (nee Rydeen) Mar 6, 1867 - May 23, 1921 wife of Andrew Odegard, 'Grandpa' died 1912 Olsen, Andrew 1864 - 1940 Olsen, Hilda 1867 - 1920 wife of Andrew Olson, Bernt Aug 18, 1895 - Jul 9, 1959 Olson, Forrest O. Apr 26, 1956 - Feb 13, 1977 son of Vernon & Lavera Olson, Ida D. 1901 - 1990 wife of Oliver Olson, Lavera 2 1931 - 2003 Olson, Ole 1854 - 1929 Olson, Oliver J. 1893 - 1975 Olson, Torstein 1876 - 1944 Olson, Vernon 1925 - May 11, 2001 Overholt, Amos 1871 - 1933 Overholt, Ruth Pekola, Hazel (nee Prall) Feb 9, 1936 - Jan 21, 1993 Peterson, Arthur 1910 - 1997 Peterson, (baby) Sep 28, 1940 - Sep 29, 1940 Peterson, Edwin Clarence Jan, 1888 - 1956 Peterson, Julia Jan 11, 1893 - Feb 22, 1978 Peterson, Leroy 1902 - 1977 Peterson, Lewis 1878 - 1954 Peterson, Margaret O. (nee Afseth) Sep 3, 1913 - Oct 28, 2014 wife of Arthur Peterson, Melvin C. 1916 - 1982 Peterson, Orville Eugene Feb 2, 1918 - Jan 2, 2005 Peterson, Tara Lynn Jan 9, 1986 - Jan 27, 1986 Peterson, Vernon Omer Apr 11, 1921 - Mar 21, 1962 Prall, Annie (nee Tasa) 1907 - 1994 Prall, Herman 1906 - 1994 Prall, Leonard Larry Dale Mar 10, 1940 - Nov 27, 1965 Prall, Roy Feb 2, 1933 - Nov 2, 2005 Propp, Deric 1987 - 2005 Schellenberg, Cornelius Edward May 27, 1928 - Jan 9, 2009 Schellenberg, Myrtle Clara (nee Broste) Jul 26, 1911 - Nov 12, 1999 wife of Cornelius Schmidt, Elsie 1900 - 1974 wife of Joseph Schmidt, Joseph 1887 - 1972 Schmidt, Joseph Frank Jun 28, 1921 - Jun 27, 1926 Schoonover, Hilda 1895 - 1972 wife of Lennis Schoonover, Lennis 1901 - 1953 Schoonover, Lyle Alfred Dec 7, 1924 - Apr 23, 2012 Seibert-Yeung, Keigan Nov 2011 - Nov 2011 Stafford, Allen 1895 - 1969 Stafford, Astrid 1927 - 2015 Stafford, Bessie 1897 - 1979 Stafford, Harriet 1883 - 1967 Stafford, Kenneth Allen 1921 - 1994 Stafford, Leslie G. 1928 - 2000 Stafford, Lorrine N. 1930 - 1956 Stafford, R. L. 1892 - 1971 Stormo, Sam 1885 - 1959 Svare, Alma Edna (nee Peterson) Jan 3, 1891 - Feb 26, 1990 Svare, John 1886 - 1966 hus of Alma Svare, John Hallie 'Jack' Jul 27, 1942 - Mar 11, 2007 Tasa, Nels Olson Apr 10, 1895 - Jun 11, 1969 Tasa, Olaf Jul 25, 1905 - Sep 29, 1979 Tasa, Russell 1936 - 2012 Taylor, Corinne Alice Jan 26, 1919 - Aug 30, 2002 Thompson, Adeline Dec 13, 1913 - Feb 25, 1923 Thompson, Chrestika May 5, 1878 - Oct 3, 1950 Thomson, Sophie 1842 - 1924 Thormoe, Peter 1882 - 1938 Wangen, Olaf 1890 - 1974 Willerton, Clifford R. Nov 14, 1929 - Feb 3, 2000
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