Bateman Community Cemetery
Bateman district

R.M. of Gravelbourg #104   NE 16-12-6 W3
GPS   50.003758°N   106.75574°W

Compiled & photographed by Todd Benko June 10, 2013
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Allan, Frank  1865 - 1912
Allan, Ida E.  1910 - 1988
Allan, Leroy F.  1902 - 1971
Allan, Leroy & Ida  (2nd photo)
Allan, Thomas R.  died 26 Dec 1925
Allen, Daisy M.  1917 - 1982
Allen, Harvey H.  1913 - 1995
Anderson, Bruce  1875 - 1951
Anderson, Meggie M.  1872 - 19??
Armson, Walter  11 May 1893 - 9 Nov 1918
Armson, Alvin Stuart  1917 - 30 Jan 2002
Armson, Clarence  1925 - 1967
Armson, Doris G. (nee Baragar)  1928 - 
Armson, Elsie Olive  1914 - 2000
Armson, Emma Charlotte (nee Jackson)  1887 - 25 Mar 1919 wife of George
Armson, Emma Charlotte  (2nd photo)
Armson, George C.  1886 - 1956
Armson, Harold  1931 - 2005
Armson, Margaret E.  1895 - 1967
Armson, Sadie  1892 - 1975
Armson, Sadie  (2nd photo) 
Armson, Walter Howard   13 Dec 1921 - 25 Apr 1922
Armson, William E.  1886 - 1954
Armason, William E. & Sadie  (2nd photo)
Armson, William Kieth  22 Mar 1914 - 19 May 1914
Arnott, Archibald Howard  1884 - 1970
Arnott, Ruby Grace  1895 - 1932
Arundell, Lloyd John  1921 - 1922
Austin, Albert L.  1868 - 1848
Austin, Arthur Leroy  1896 - 1952
Austin, Elizabeth  1867 - 1947
Austin, James  
Austin, Lillian S.  1904 - 1973
Austin, (unknown)  

Babb, Richard V. V.  died age 1 mon
Baird, Catherine  1867 - 1912
Baird, Jackson  11 Jun 1857 - 25 Mar 1920
Baragar, Delbert John  1928 - 1941
Baragar, Elizabeth S. J.  29 Aug 1904 - 23 Feb 2004
Baragar, Henry  1854 - 1930
Baragar, Mary Ann  1866 - 1949
Baragar, Reuben Henry  18 Feb 1904 - 15 Nov 1992
Barr, Andrew  1837 - 1923
Barr, Andrew  1883 - 1957
Barr, Margaret  1844 - 1924
Bateman Family Headstone
Bateman, Bert  1900 - 1966
Bateman, David J.  1888 - 1963
Bateman, Della Blanche  4 Aug 1892 - 12 Dec 1912 wife of Philip M. Micks
Bateman, Dorothy  1919 - 1927
Bateman, Elizabeth  1860 - 1943
Bateman, Fay  1907 - 1995
Bateman, Fay  died 1927
Bateman, Isaac A.  2 Dec 1938 
Bateman, Isaac L.  23 Jan 1862 - 8 May 1930 age 38 yrs 9 mos 15 days
Bateman, Jessie E.  1859 - 1934
Bateman, Lorraine Anne  9 Feb 1941 - 14 Oct 1992
Bateman, Malcolm  21 Jun 1918 - 12 Sep 1948, 1st hus of Myrtle Hagstrom
Bateman, Minnie E.  1925 - 1944
Bateman, Norma  died 1930
Bateman, Robert Abner  1921 - 1999
Beattie, John  15 Apr 1919 - 1 Sep 1919
Bedford, Kathleen Eliza (nee More)  17 Dec 1890 - 15 Oct 1970 
Bedford, Myrtle Louisa (nee Hagstrom) Bateman   4 Jan 1918 - 3 May 2014 dau of Andrew & Marie (nee Swenson)
Bedford, Reginald Walter  17 Aug 1914 - 5 Aug 1999
Bedford, Walter Reginald  23 Feb 1891 - 2 Nov 1960
Bekker, Cliff  1898 - 1954
Bekker, Florence  1871 - 1948
Bekker, Frederik M.  1906 - 1928
Bekker, Frederik N.  1872 - 1953
Bell, Mabel Fry  1885 - 1918 wife of John A.
Benaschak, Kanda  1982 - 2012
Benaschak, Rhett Nolan  21 Feb 1978 - 29 Nov 1997
Berg, Elmer  23 Oct 1929 - 16 Aug 2014 hus of Jean Costley, son of John & Ruth
Berg, John Marius  1902 - 1994 
Berg, Ruth (nee Coward)  1910 - 1990
Birken, James W.  1878 - 1950
Birkin, Emma Grace  1875 - 1940 wife of James
Boe, Alvin Gilbert  1922 - 2001
Boe, Lorna Muriel  1929 - 1989
Boe, Marit  14 Feb 1860 - 14 Feb 1925
Boe, Russell M.  1923 - 1943
Brank, Jane  1913 - 2001
Brank, Royce  1916 - 1988
Briscoe, John Henry  1887 - 1986
Briscoh, Hazel Izola  1896 - 1949
Britten, Edward J.  1877 - 1966
Britten, Mabel J  1879 - 1963
Britten, Ronald W. 'Bud'  1913 - 1992
Britten, Sidney J.  1912 - 1976
Broomfield, Albert E.  1888 - 1969
Broomfield, Mary  1891 - 1950
Brown Family Plot
Brown, Ada Louise  1898 - 1987
Brown, Everett Austin  1918 - 2000
Brown, Lyle C.  1936 - 1992
Brown, Melville T.  1889 - 1964
Bushwell, F. O.  1864 - 1936

Carter, Elsie A.  1878 - 1971
Carter, William L.  1877 - 1925
Caskey, John  1882 - 1980
Caskey, Lilias  1893 - 1976
Caskey, Margaret Penman  1923 - 2008
Closs, Lula May  28 Nov 1910 - 22 May 1912 dau of Charles W. & Zella D.
Cook, Thelina  1844 - 1918
Coote, E. Jean (nee Moulton)  16 Nov 1920 - 3 Oct 1995
Coote, Leslie D.  2 Mar 1920 - 28 Feb 2004
Coote, Ruth M.  1883 - 1940
Copeland, Edna Gladys (nee Crady)  22 Nov 1894 - 12 Dec 1918
Copeland, William H. M.  7 Dec 1883 - 17 Nov 1918
Costley, Agnes Matilda  Sep 1920 - 17 Dec 1920
Costley, Delbert  1916 - 1996
Costley, Delbert Allan 'Al'  1940 - 1994 son of Delbert & Ethel
Costley, Ethel Margery (nee Durnford)  21 Feb 1913 - 4 Aug 2014 dau of George & Elsie (nee Hudson) 
Costley, James  1883 - 1959 (bur. in Worsley, AB)
Costley, James Aandrew  1914 - 1947
Costley, James 'Bill'  3 Jul 1941 - 8 Jul 2016 hus of Ellen Salahub, son of James & Leona (nee Bien)
Costley, Lorne Allan  Aug 1917 - 25 Mar 1922
Costley, Mabel M. (nee Davidson)  1893 - 1981
Couchlin, Martha  1846 - 1934
Coughlin, Thomas  4 Sep 1922 age 50
Crick, Annie Sophia (nee Avery)  1912 - 1993
Crick, Duncan Alfred  29 Mar 1943 - 15 Nov 2012 hus of Marian Holden, son of Reginald & Annie
Crick, Reginald A.  1913 - 1975
Culshaw, Prudence  1879 - 1937 wife of Richard
Curtis, Dorothy  1920 - 
Curtis, Elizabeth  1895 - 1972
Curtis, Lyall  1919 - 2000
Curtis, Mary  1919 - 1948

Dayman, Donald G.  4 Jan 1930 - 26 Oct 1930
Deaust, Adelard 'Ed'  1910 - 2002
Deaust, Janet E.  1912 - 1993
Dick, Esther  1919 - 2006
Dick, Kenneth  1947 - 2006
Dick, Theodore  1915 - 2007
Dokkenbakken, Barbo (nee Hageseth)  1841 - 1930
Dockendorff, Harold  1882 - 1947
Dokkebakken, Clifford G.  1910 - 1994
Dokkebakken, Nettie  1888 - 1941
Dokkebakken, Ole O.  1851 - 1928
Dokkenbakken, Shirl G.  10 Sep 1918 - 22 Jan 2002
Dokkebakken, Thorval  1877 - 1970
Dokkebakken, Veda  1913 - 2002

Eklund, Glenn Clarence  18 Feb 1932 - 7 Oct 2012 hus of Mearl Thompson, son of Raymond & Theresa (nee Hoffman)
Elliott, Thomas  1850 - 1927
Ericson Family Headstone
Ericson, Alta Hobbs  wife of Herman 
Ericson, Clarence W.  1883 - 1946
Ericson, Earl (baby)  28 Feb 1919 - 
Ericson, Lerby Herman  2 Sep 1909 - 10 Dec 1989
Ericson, Mable Vergal  13 Dec 1910 -  
Erskine, James  1858 - 1923
Erskine, Margaret L.  1877 - 1938
Ewart, Maxine  died Sep 1952

Farrell, James Lorne  1942 - 1998
Farrell, Lorne  1901 - 1977
Farrell, Stanley J.  21 May 1893 - 4 Aug 1920
Forry, George  1914 - 2010
Forry, Rhoda  1916 - 2005
Forsyth, James A.  20 Aug 1879 - 28 Feb 1919
Frank, Avis Marian (nee Hatlelid)  3 May 1926 - 30 Nov 2016 wife of Henry, dau of Martin & Emma (nee Graves)
Frank, Christina  1898 - 1986
Frank, Henry  1896 - 1968

Gartee, Elizabeth (nee McGammack)  1891 - 3 Apr 1925 wife of George F.
Gattinger, Dorothea  28 Mar 1862 - 8 Sep 1955
Gattinger, Fred  1894 - 1969
Gattinger, Minnie  1900 - 1975
Gilchrist, John J.  1893 - 1954
Gilchrist, Wilma G.  1895 - 1997
Glebe, Delaney Ann (baby)   died 1984
Glebe, George T.  1866 - 1940
Glebe, Marvin  1926 - 2006
Glebe, Orin  1896 - 1964
Glebe, Sarah  1896 - 1978
Glebe, Susan  1868 - 1963
Green, Velma (nee McCammack)  1885 - 1963 wife of S. N., dau of George & Ann
Gutschmidt, Christina  1879 - 1966
Gutschmidt, Christoff  1878 - 1940
Gutschmidt, Gustav  1910 - 1962
Gutschmidt, Jacob  1909 - 1983
Gutschmidt, Jacob & Gustav  (2nd photo)
Gutschmidt-Dick Family
Gwin, Arthur T.  1881 - 1894
Gwin, Lucinda  1861 - 3 Jun 1933 wife of Thomas
Gwin, Thomas Arnold  Mar 1858 - 28 Apr 1943
Gwin, Tonny  1903 - 1970
Gwin, Wilber  1894 - 1963
Hansford, Isaac  1887 - 1944
Hansford, M. Leona  1892 - 1984
Hasbrouck, Lewis M.  1876 - 1966
Hasbrouck, Mary O.  1891 - 1957
Hasbrouck, Vinnie L.  1877 - 1933
Hawes, Shirley  1933 - 2012
Hill, James  1901 - 1973
Hill, James Page  1932 - 2013 
Hill, Nora M.  1907 - 1987 dau of Ada Jones
Hoehn, Annie Mildred  7 Jul 1927 - 2 Aug 2002
Hoehn, Arthur Irvin  19 Aug 1928 - 19 Jan 2008
Hoehn, Bernice M.  1928 - 1976
Hoehn, Elmer A.  1924 - 1988
Hoehn, Jacob  1889 - 1964
Hoehn, Rosie  1896 - 1990
Hopp, Charles  
Hopp, (unknown)
Hopp, (unknown)

Ironside, Jessie  1886 - 1923
Ironside, Robert  1885 - 1964
Irvine, Howard  1879 - 1950
Irvine, Lydia  1877 - 1974

James, Leona T. (nee Bien) Costley  1913 - 1964 wife of Fred
Jessup, Jess  1892 - 1960
Jessup, Robert  1885 - 1968
Jones, Ada J.  1879 - 1962
Jones, Charles L.  1885 - 1976
Jones, Gertrude Elisabeth  5 Sep 1885 - 25 Nov 1918 wife of C. L.
Jones, Gertrude & Charles  (2nd photo) 

Kajewski, Verna  19 Mar 1916 - 8 Jan 1947
Kajewski, Verna  30 Dec 1946 - 17 Mar 1947
Keller, Magdalena 'Lena'  1926 - 2002
Keller, Valentine  20 Feb 1917 - 20 Feb 1995
Keller, William J.  1923 - 1984
Kemody, James  1876 - 1913 
Kendrick, (baby)  31 Aug 1930 - 31  Aug  1930
King, Harold Russel  1901 - 9 Apr 1922 son of Frank
King, Harold Russel  (2nd photo)
Klearns, William Oscar  21 Oct 1889 - 8 Jun 1965
Kearns, William Oscar  (2nd photo)
Kruckenberg, Lewis  

Lange, Joseph  1909 - 2002
Lange, Mary (Maria)  1910 - 1980
Lightbody, Irene F.  1925 - 1988
Lightbody, Wesley Gordon  1 Jun 1927 - 20 Jan 1945
Lightbody, Wesley Gordon  (2nd photo)
Lightbody, William L.  27 Nov 1911 - 30 Nov 1911 son of Mathew & Nellie

Malone, Sarah  1878 - 1934
Malone, Walter  1869 - 1932
Mann, Allen  14 Sep 1966 - 27 Sep 1966
Mann, Andrew  14 Sep 1966 - 22 Sep 1966
Mann, Catherine  1897 - 1974
Mann, Frederick  1915 - 1952
Mann, George  1892 - 1972
Mann, George  1924 - 2005
Mann, John  1919 - 1976
Mann, Marion  1930 - 
McCammack, Alice  1878 - 17 Mar 1924
McCammack, Ann  
McCammack, Curtis E.  1886 - 1969 son of George & Ann
McCammack, Elizabeth  dau of George & Ann
McCammack, George W.  
McCammack, Pina  dau of George & Ann  
McCammack, Robert  son of George & Ann 
McCammack, Sylvanius V.  1876 - 1957 son of George & Ann 
McIntosh, Clark C.  1881 - 1954
McIntosh, Margaret  1893 - 1924
McKercher, Catherine  1895 - 1981
McKercher, Donald A.  1884 - 1977
McKercher, Lloyd  7 Feb 1919 - 17 Jun 1919
McNair Family Headstone  
McNair, Annie  1853 - 1934
McNair, Atta J.  7 Sep 1870 - 9 Jun 1916
McNair, James  24 Jul 1840 - 19 Nov 1925
McNair, James  1878 - 1965
McNair, John D.  1883 - 1968
Metcalf, Susan  1850 - 1939
Monaghan, William  11 Oct 1871 - 15 Sep 1913

Natzel, John  1868 - 1943
Neubeker, Elizabeth  18 Jun 1900 - 31 Jul 1978
Neubeker, Fred  20 Jul 1893 - 11 May 1961
Neubeker, Henry William  8 Aug 1921 - 1 Oct 2003
Nichol, Anna  May  1895 - 1985
Nichol, Douglas L.  Jan 1921 - 23 Sep 1922
Nichol, Ken  5 Jun 1926 - 12 Aug 2009
Nichol, Pat  13 Apr 1931 - 
Nichol, Thomas M.  1886 - 1952
Nichol, Walter W.  21 Nov 1919 - 16 May 1943
Nightingale, George  1924 - 1994
Nightingale, June Margaret  25 Jul 1925 - 23 Jan 2010

Page, Albert A.  1876 - 1943
Paton, Doris (nee Thompson)  12 Oct 1929 - 21 Oct 2012 wife of Earl, dau of James & Edith (nee Austin)
Paton, Florence M.  16 Dec 1904 - 30 May 1990
Paton, Janet  1857 - 1936
Paton, William  1854 - 1916
Paton, Wm. 'Billie'  5 Sep 1904 - 6 Nov 1998
Potuzak, Lillian B.  1910 - 1984
Pouteaux, Arthur Jean  1895 - 1972
Pouteaux, Edith  1895 - 9 Jan 1935 wife of Arther
Pouteaux, Edith  died 14 Mar 1931 dau of A.
Pouteaux, Ethel A.  1917 - 1985
Pouteaux, W. Oscar  1903 - 1990

Reaves, Edward  1875 - 1952
Reaves, Eva  1909 - 1978
Reaves, Paulina  1882 - 1977
Reaves, William 'Bill'  1903 - 1990
Reed, Edward  1883 - 10 Sep 1911
Reed, Elsie  1926 - 1981
Reed, Fred G.  1889 - 1960
Reed, George F.  Dec 1931 -  Jul 1993
Reed, Henry J.  1888 - 1961
Reed, Lloyd  1922 - 
Reed, Maud E.  1893 - 1976
Reed, Wilfred  1919 - 1992
Resvick, Anna N.  1886 - 1970
Resvick, Arnold  Jan 1923 - Mar 1923
Resvick, (baby)  died 22 May 1930
Resvick, Caroline D.  1928 - 2000
Resvick, George L.  1924 - 2003
Resvick, Nels  20 Jan 1884 - 14 Feb 1932
Roberts, William W.  27 Jun 1888 - 11 Dec 1918
Roberts, William W.  (2nd photo)
Robertson, Chas S.  10 Mar 1938
Russel, Carson Tamton  1875 - 1952
Russel, Carson Tamton  (2nd photo)
Russel, Eliza  15 May 1846 - 27 Jan 1927
Russel, Eliza  (2nd photo)
Russel, Eva  1877 - 1966
Russel, Eva  (2nd photo)
Rutherford, James  1856 - 3 Oct 1927

Sanders, Hattie May  1897 - 1961
Sanders, Isaac  1857 - 1946
Schappert, Jacob C.  11 Mar 1888 - 24 Jul 1959
Schappert, John Jacob  11 May 1920 - 27 May 1981
Schappert, Lydia C.  30 Jul 1922 - 25 Feb - 1992
Schappert, Lydia & John  (2nd photo)
Schappert, Richard J.  1949 - 
Scholpp, Christopher  1906 - 1956
Scholpp, Christopher  (2nd photo)
Shire, Anne  1862 - 1932
Smart, Charles O.  1914 - 1946
Smith, Lillian  1912 - 15 Mar 1913 dau of Percy & Maggie
Smith, Richard Frederick  13 Jun 1869 - 28 Jun 1914
Spahr, Deahtry  died 1924
Spahr, Del  1882 - 1966
Stewart, Gordon  died 1916
Stewart, Marguerite  1922 - 1923
Stewart, Olive  1908 - 1930
Stoufer, James Andrew  5 Mar 1921 - 18 Mar 1921 son of Arther B. & Gladys M.
Stouffer, Dorthy Velma  18 Jun 1913 - 1 Mar 1919 dau of Arther B. & Gladys M.
Strieb, John  15 Oct 1925 - 25 Oct 2002
Strieb, Katherine M. 'Kay' 16 Sep 1922 - 8 Nov 2010

Tait, Elizabeth  1874 - 1952
Tait, John  1878 - 1955
Taylor, Walter  1878 - 1925
Thom, Vivan  May  25 Dec 1906 - 11 Jun 1912 dau of J. W. & Laura
Thompson, Edith C.  1907 - 1999
Thompson, J. Earl  1901 - 1974
Thorson Family Plot
Thorson, Alfred  1877 - 1948
Thorson, Clara Amanda  1887 - 1985
Thorson, Cleveland  1895 - 1934
Thorson, Emma  1883 - 1967
Thorson, Eric  1881 - 1946
Thorson, Irvin Sylvester  30 May 1917 - 2 Apr 1919 son of Cleveland & Amanda
Thorson, Joseph  1887 - 1946
Thorson, Richard Johnson  1934 - 2002 son of Joseph & selma
Thorson, Selma  1893 - 1993
Thorson, Wilfred Joseph  1921 - 2006 son of Joseph & Selma
Tinkham, Lloyd Hamilton  20 Sep 1908 - 4 Jul 1911 son of Wilson & Minnie
Tinkham, Minnie A.  1876 - 1946
Tinkham, Wilson H.  1873 - 1948
Toole, Clifford S.  24 Dec 1889 - 25 May 1974
Toole, Dennis V.  9 Nov 1929 - 23 Feb 1959
Toole, Kathryne  12 Nov 1901 - 9 May 1964
Turnbull, Martha Elizabeth (nee Metcalf)  16 Nov 1857 - 1 Apr 1916 wife of James

Unknown 1  
Unknown 2  
Unknown 3  
Unknown 4  
Unknown 5  
Unknown 6  
Unknown 7  
Unknown 8  
Unknown 9  
Unknown 10  
Unknown 11  
unknown 12
unknown 13

Vanberg, Gustave  1882 - 1945
Vanberg, Victoria Mae  1892 - 1950

Watson, John Nesbitt  27 Feb 1880 - 17 Sep 1911 son of George & Mary
West, Charles  died 1914
West, Conta  died 1914 dau of Charles
White, Celina  1886 - 1918
Wilhelm, Leopold  
Winter, Edna M.  1904 - 1954
Winter, Mr. & Mrs. 
Winter,Percy  1900 - 1953
Wittrock, Caroline  1898 - 1953
Wittrock, Henry F.  1921 - 1989
Wittrock, Henry Sr.  1883 - 1965
Wray, George Jr.  1874 - 1939

Zeigler, John P.  18?? - 19??
Zeigler, Lloyd Douglas  23 Feb 1908 - 25 Oct 1995
Zeigler, Louis  1865 - 1932
Ziegler, Elizabeth  1879 - 1950
Ziegler, Henry  died 16 Nov 1922
Ziegler, William H.  1877 - 1966

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