ARMSTRONG, Bella (nee McKay) 22 May 1914 age 60 wife of Robert BERGLIND, Wallace Edwoath died 17 Jul 1911 son of W. & A. BULLIED, John 1 Jan 1838 - 5 Apr 1922 DEYOE, Nancy Jane (nee Jackson) 14 Sep 1842 - 11 Sep 1908 wife of Albert J. ELDSTROM, Hannah 1855 - 1935 ELDSTROM, John Ole died 16 Dec 1907 ELDSTROM, Ludwig 1878 - 1944 son of John & Hannah ELDSTROM, Phoebe Myrtle 25 Feb 1852 - 6 Apr 1912 ERLANDSON, Sven 3 Jul 1828 - 1 Jan 1908 FRYKLUND, Anna Elinoa died 2 Dec 1906 dau of John & Mareit FRYKLAND, (baby) 13 Mar 1922 - 2 Apr 1924 FRYKLUND, Clarence Walfred 29 May 1912 - 14 Jul 1912 son of Alfred & Olga FRYKLUND, Edna Emelia 1903 - 1914 FRYKLUND, Mareit (nee Bredsberg) 22 May 1861 - 13 Feb 1916 wife of John FRYKLUND, Maria 1868 - 1949 FRYKLUND, Nels Nelson 1862 - 1936 FRYKLAND, Ruth Vivian 18 Nov 1820 - 12 Dec 1928 GOODMAN, Jesse 18 Mar 1907 age 59 HANSON, Ole 24 Jun 1844 - 3 Mar 1914 HARWOOD, Fred M. 1910 - 1959 HARWOOD, Frederick Charles 1871 - 1951 HARWOOD, Gretta Oak 1900 - 1951 dau of Fred C. & Mary HARWOOD, Mary A. 1870 - 1926 INGVARSON, Anna Maria 24 Dec 1882 - 8 Mar 1908 INGVARSON, Anna Winnifred 17 Jul 1840 - 6 Feb 1907 JOHNSON, Hilda C. 1912 age 39 JOHNSON, Nils E. 1953 age 79 MARTIN, Mabel 1906 - 1984 McMITCHAEL, Emily (nee Cowan) 1917 age 45 wife of Richard NASH, Margaret 1908 - 1988 NEWBERRY, Elsin NEWBERRY, Euretta W. 1860 - 1925 wife of Samuel NEWBERRY, Samuel R. 1856 - 1939 OKERSTROM, Anna (nee Acusta) 17 Mar 1908 35 yr 8 mos 11 days, wife of Cust OLSON, Andrew 21 Oct 1906 age 25 OLSON, Anne 7 Mar 1913 age 71 wife of Hans RONNING, (2 infants) sons of John & Mary RONNING, John 1882 - 1968 RONNING, Mary 1883 - 1946 THOMSEN, Karen 1849 - 1922 TVEIT, Andreas 1870 - 1922 TVEIT, Gurine 1968 - 1944 wife of Andreas WEST, John H. 16 Jun 1879 - 12 Jan 1912 WILSON, Marvin T. 22 May 1906 - 9 May 1928 1 unidentified gravestone
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