Our Saviour's Lutheran Cemetery
Ardath / Swanson district
Fertile Valley # 285   NE 33-30-8 W3
GPS   51.619426°N   107.059280°W
First burial in 1908

Compiled by Rod Beattie

Bakken, Anne Marie  1820 - 1918 

Cleven, Lauraine (baby)  1925 - 2 Mar 1926
Cleven, Thomas J. ‘Tom’  1887 - 1919 hus of Ingrid Johnson 

Harilstad (baby 1)  
Harilstad (baby 2)  
Harilstad (baby 3)  
Harilstad, Alf Joseph  15 Oct 1922 - Jan 1993 hus of Marian Erlandson, son of Ole & Bertha
Harilstad, Bertha (nee Haugen)  11 Jan 1903 - 9 Jan 1999 dau of John & Ingeborg
Harilstad, J. A.  1876 - 1943
Harilstad, Ole  1885 - Apr 1961
Harilstad, Peder A.  1868 - 1936 brother of Ole
Haug, Anna  1857 - 1927 wife of Engebret
Haug, Bessie A. (nee Johnson)  1896 - 1980 wife of Oscar
Haug, Carl John  1930 - 29 May 1995 son of Theodore & Cora, hus of Lillian Carlson	
Haug, Christian	 1869 - 1943 uncle of Theodore
Haug, Cora (nee Lee)  1897 - 1985
Haug, David E.  1954 - 1982 
Haug, Elvin  1922 - 1990 son of Marcus & Olga, hus of June Ulven
Haug, Engebret  1857 - 1925
Haug, Marcus  1884 - 1961 hus of Olga Haugen
Haug, Oscar  1886 - 1967
Haug, Peter ‘Pete’  1900 - May 1956
Haug, Theodore  1882 - 24 Oct 1968
Haugen, Christian ‘Chris’  22 Sep 1892 - 1982 hus of Olga
Haugen, Ingeborg (nee Aasen)  1868 - 1949 wife of John
Haugen, Jodi Elizabeth  Jul 1969 - Jul 1969 dau of Bob & Faye 
Haugen, John Anders (Harehaugen)  1870 - 1955
Haugen, Julius  16 Jan 1907 - Oct 1993 son of John & Ingeborg
Haugen, Olga Marie (nee Olsen)  11 Dec 1908 - 1953 dau of John & Oline
Haugen, Rolf  14 Apr 1914 - 26 Aug 1970 son of John & Ingeborg, hus of Ethel Howe (Oviatt)
Henrickson, Nels Hartvig ‘Happy’  1915 - 8 Jun 1998 son of Ole & Sigrid, hus of Ellen Lind
Henrickson, Ole Henry  1870 - 1951
Henrickson, Sigrid (nee Anderson)  1876 - 1952 wife of Ole
Hermanson, Mrs. M.  
Horseman, Heather Marie  died 29 Dec 1960
Horseman, Peter Martin  1965 - 1967
Horseman, Sally Marie  1962 - 1963

Johnson, Annie  1894 - 1919, 2nd wife of Gustof
Johnson, Bengta (nee Goerans)  17 Jul 1860 - 1942
Johnson, Bernie  1967 - 1998 son of Ernest & Minnie
Johnson, Borghild Louise  1905 - 1951, 3rd wife of Gustof
Johnson, Bruce Edward  1911 - 1962 son of Julius & Caroline
Johnson, Caroline E. (nee Sonmor)  1886 - 1980 dau of Elias & Karoline, wife of Julius
Johnson, Earnest Clayton  1908 - 1985 son of Henry & Gina
Johnson, George (baby)  1 Jan 1919 - 3 Jan 1919 son of Henry & Gina
Johnson, Gina Marie (nee Sonmor)  1883 - Jan 1919 dau of Elias & Karoline
Johnson, Gustof N. ‘Gus/Gust’  1899 - 1980 son of John & Bengta
Johnson, Henry Bernhart  1879 - 11 Nov 1970
Johnson, John  24 Apr 1859 - 1935
Johnson, Julius Charles	 1884 - 1960 son of John & Bengta
Johnson, Maurice A.  1914 - 1991 son of Henry & Gina, hus of Violet Jones
Johnson, Minnie Alma (nee Beng)  1908 - 1991 wife of Ernest

Lee, Adolph  1894 - 1961
Lee, Agnes  1896 - 1970

Moore (baby)  

Olsen, Johan ‘John’  1872 - 1959
Olsen, Oline  1878 - 1934
Olsen, Oluf Anton  1907 - 1959 son of Johan & Oline
Olsen, Ruth Alvida (nee Haugen)  1912 - 1987 dau of Thor & Sina, wife of Oluf
Olsen, Stig  1909 - 1992 hus of Elsa Haugen
Olson, Olaf  1876 - 1958
Oraas, Andrew  1875 - 1939

Sahli, Jens J.  1887 - 1979
Sahli, Melvin Jens  1917 - 1924
Sahli, Thora  1892 - 1978
Schrader, Elga Ruth (nee Gieb)  1929 - 1972 wife of Irvine
Schrader, Franz Eric Paul ‘Frank’  1894 - Nov 1985
Schrader, Ingrid Grace (nee Johnson)  3 Jan 1891 - Dec 1990 dau of John & Bengta, wife of Thomas Cleven & Frank Schrader
Skjeie (baby)  
Sonmor, Clara Rosalie  1893 - 1908 dau of E. J.
Sonmor, Elias  1851 - 1935
Sonmor, Karoline  1852 - 1940 wife of Elias

Wilda, Lydia June  May 1983 - Jun 1983

The information for this submission is based on the local history book "ABC Histories" published in 1998.

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