Arnstad, Charley 1890 - 1961 Bakken, Amber C. (twin) died 29 Dec 1987 Bauer, Karl W. 1896 - 1968 Bauer, Rosa Maria (nee Hornle) 1898 - 1986 Baumel, Joseph 15 Dec 1977 age 71 Baumel, Joseph 1891 - 1950 Bergman, Lyle Kenneth died age 1 yr, son of A. & E. Bergman, Neal L. 1937 - 1937 Bergman, Ole N. 1882 - 1962 Bergman, Signe C. 1894 - 1966 Bilawchuk, George 1917 - 1974 Boe, Cindy Louise Boe, Debbie Jean Jun 1954 - Sep 1958 Bohn, Angelina 1902 - 1982 Bohn, Martin 1901 - 1992 Braumberger, Paul Jakob May 1894 - Jun 1955 Butler, Harvey 1920 - 2001 Butler, Hazel Louise (nee Nicholls) 1922 - 1999 Carlson, Archie D. 1937 - 1959 Carlson, Daniel 1901 - 1974 Christiaens, Jules 1913 - 1992 Christiaens, Mary 1915 - 1987 Conner, Edna H. 1904 - 1967 Conner, Wilfred B. 1900 - 1965 Currie, Marvin Neil 1949 - 1971 Currie, Melvin Roy 26 Aug 1913 - 6 Apr 1984 Danelley, Anne 1917 - 1979 Danielson, Elmer O. 1930 - 1966 Danielson, Gertrude M. 1908 - 1991 Danielson, James S. 1883 - 1976 Dease, Alice Irene 12 Jul 1913 - 6 Aug 1994 Dease, Eugene T. 1909 - 1980 Dease, Herman L. 1911 - 1986 Dease, Wilhelmine 1914 - 1976 Degerness, Hazel K. 1914 - 1963 Degerness, Julius 1909 - 1988 Degerness, Marie Zelma (Doll) 1910 - 1988 Desrosiers, George R. 1904 - 1978 Delwison, Henry E. 1907 - 1967 Didier, Claude 1891 - 1957 Didier, Maurice 1899 - 1979 Dionne, Raymond J. 18?2 - 1966 Dosselman, Christine 1909 - 1973 Dubreuil, George A. 15 Sep 1915 - 10 Jun 1993 Dubreuil, Evelyn A. 8 Feb 1917 - 29 Jul 1987 Ewen, Lindsay Gordon 1946 - 1978 Finch, Thomas T. 6 Jun 1909 - 17 Sep 1980 Finch Virginia M. 13 May 1922 - 17 Mar 1991 Folstad, Jonathan Eric 1971 - 1991 Fountain, George 1913 - 2001 Fountain, Marguerite 1913 - 1919 wife of George Fox, Joseph John 1906 - 1992 Gaudreau, Gladys 1921 - 1959 Gebhardt, (baby) Oct 1939 Gelean, Lydia 1882 - 1937 Gelean, Oscar 1869 - 1939 Golinowski, William 1904 - 1991 Gray, Gladys M. 5 Aug 1933 - 2 Dec 1982 Gray, James 9 Apr 1906 - 10 Apr 1976 Hagenes, Catharina 1 Oct 1911 - 18 Apr 1999 Hagenes, Karl 22 July 1963 - 9 Nov 1963 Hagenes, Orrin Jay 5 Aug 1969 - 9 Aug 1969 Hanson, Ealing 1916 - 1988 Hanson, Eline 1880 - 1959 Hanson, Gilma L. 1912 - 1981 Hanson, Gina Sylvina 1908 - 1976 Hanson, Gladys Hanson, Haakon 1913 - 1985 Hanson, Ida Pauline 1909 - 1967 Hanson, Josephine 1915 - 1978 wife of Melvin Hanson, Laura 1883 - 1873 Hanson, Lillian Jun 1951 age 1 day Hanson, Melvin 1911 - Hanson, Oscar 1905 - 1987 Hanson, Vedar 1907 - 1971 Hanson, Wer Head, Frederick George 1913 - 1987 Henderson, Alma A. 1902 - 1992 Henderson, Charlie 1907 - 1958 Hnetka, Nick 1912 - 1989 Hnetka, Pauline 1917 - Holth, Albert O. Holth, Hans A. E. 30 Sep 1863 - 30 Mar 1950 Holth, Marie Karoline 22 Jul 1862 - 19 Apr 1944 wife of Hans Holth, Mathilda M. 18 Aug 1893 - 11 Apr 1982 Holth, Reidar E. 1911 - 1996 Hornle, William 1902 - 1973 Howells, Clare 1940 - 1964 Hughes, John August 1908 - 1980 Kellman, Bruno Kohlen, Emil G. 1888 - 1959 Kohlen, Gertrude 1893 - 1971 Kohlen, Kenneth John 19?? - 1980 Kohlen, Laverne C. 1917 - 1983 Kozar, John 1924 - 1979 Krause, Hans Joachim 1906 - 1980 Krause, Rudi E. 1899 - 1974 Kucharski, Gregory 1898 - 1960 Lamoureaux, Philip 1893 - 1977 Leffler, Katherine 1884 - 1972 Leffler, Konrad 1879 - 1934 Leffler, Konrad 1915 - 1977 Lindquist, Einar G. 1913 - 1978 Lindquist, John Arvid 1915 - 1973 Loken, Lars 1899 - 1989 Loken, Tore J. 1861 - 1937 MacDonald, Yvonne Christine 1941 - 1994 Markman, Patrick D. Maryniak, Ellis 1942 - 1997 Maryniak, John Maslin, George 1902 - 1981 Maslin, Ivy Victoria 1912 - 2000 Massey, Arthur Patrick 1932 - 1960 Massey, Marie Rose Alberta (nee Menard) 3 Sep 1894 - 5 Jan 1983 dau of Arthur & Marie Massey, Thomas Patrick 9 Sep 1882 - 12 Dec 1975 hus of Rose, son of Thomas & Ellen Matheson, Georgie Beatrice 1985 Matheson, Vincent N. 1922 - 1979 McCurdy, Deanna 25 Dec 1941 - 28 Dec 1941 dau of Daniel & Iola McCurdy, Daniel 4 Nov 1912 - 22 Jul 1989 son of Adam & Laura McCurdy, Iola Marion (nee Rice) 8 Jun 1920 - 12 Nov 1997 dau of Karl & Betsey McGowan, Alexander 1874 - 1959 McGowan, Amelia L. Meyer, Andrew A. 1894 - 1971 Meyer, Iva Miller, Sandra Mae 1952 - 1971 Montes, Mathilda 10 Nov 1945 age 61 Morton, James P. Murias, (baby girl) 1967 Murias, Dorothy 1932 - Murias, Frank 1925 - 1991 Myhr, Einar Johan 1879 - 1963 Nagel, Erwin 1931 - 1979 hus of Josephine Nagel, Josephine 1936 - Neigel, Anne Marie 1910 - 1987 Neigel, Frank J. 1906 - 1995 Neigel, Lillian 1925 - Neigel, Margaret 1935 - Neigel, Peter 1916 - 1999 Neigel, Mary (nee Herrmann) 15 Aug 1885 - 9 Aug 1969 wife of Felix, dau of Joseph & Maria Neigel, Felix 9 Jun 1882 - 26 Oct 1952 son of Frank & Katherine (nee Becker) Nelson, Ernest 1921 - 1997 Nelson, Georgina 1942 - Nomeland, Tollef Nordine, Gunila M. Nordmarken, Leo 1932 - 1993 Nordmarken, Lyle 1948 Nordmarken, Thorben W. 17 Apr 1930 - Dec 1930 Olson, Bertha 1909 - 1980 Olson, George Napoleon 1901 - 1987 Olson, Ruth Pederson, Clarence G. 1915 - 1976 Pederson, Glen J. 1920 - 1988 Pederson, Simone H. 28 Oct 1917 - 17 Mar 1997 Peterson, Edgar William 1897 - 1953 Piper, Fred 23 Mar 1922 - 25 Jan 1999 Plante, Albina Germaine (nee Gaudreau) 7 Oct 2007 age 99 dau of Euclide & Angelina Plante, Sgt. Thomas Felix died 12 Apr 1942 hus of Albina Ramstead, Jennie 1899 - 1988 (ashes on SW 6-40-14 W2) Ramstead, Ole 1888 - 1948 hus of Jennie Rice, Betsey M. 1895 - 1984 wife of Karl I. Rice, Donalda 1924 - 1992 Rice, Karl Isaac 15 Apr 1888 - 15 Mar 1942 son of Isaac Henry & Irena (nee Surtees) Rice, Karl Vern May 1931 - Nov 1993 Rice, Ken M. 1922 - 1944 son of Karl & Betsey Rice, Marvin Roy 31 May 1928 - 10 July 1928 son of Ray A. & Elda I. (nee Nomeland) Richard, Les 1917 - 1987 hus of Pearl Richard, Pearl 1918 - Richard, R. Delima 1879 - 19?? Rudd, Emma 1885 - 1969 Ruest, Clarinda 14 Oct 1897 - 22 Apr 1980 Ruest, J. 1885 - 1961 Sandaker, Anton 1903 - 1975 Sandaker, Arthur L. 9 Mar 1959 age 21 Sandaker, Lillian 1914 - 1996 Schindel, Johan 1902 - 1966 Schrumm, Adeline H. 1892 - 1958 Schrumm, Elmer 19 Apr 1928 - 10 Oct 1985 Schrumm, Ervin R. 1 July 1923 - 11 Nov 1990 Schrumm, Gottfried 1884 - 1963 Schrumm, Harry H. 26 Jan 1930 - 17 Aug 1993 Schrumm, Otto Schweitzer, Barbara A. 1948 - 1977 Seilstad, Alfred 1893 - 1967 Seilstad, Madeleine O. 1912 - 1975 Sharp, Annie 1922 - 1992 wife of Claude Sharp, Claude 1912 - Shaw, Margaret 1921 - 1992 Slind, John Slind, Lori Wynne Slind, Obert B. 1910 - 1993 Slind, Shirley 1928 - Sliwa, Anna 1876 - 1969 Sliwa, Anthony 1891 - 1962 Steffenson, Douglas D. Steffenson, Durwood H. Steffenson, Nora 1886 - 1939 Steffenson, Olai 1884 - 1974 Steffenson, Olena Steffenson, Vernon 1916 - 1995 Strand, Edward 1922 - 1972 Strand, Homer 1916 - 1992 Sundin, Amalia Sundin, Per F. 1888 - 1961 Tenyecke, Francis 1946 - 1955 Tetrault, Bernadette Marie 1901 - 1992 Tetrault, Julius Joseph 1924 - 1989 Tetrault, Raymond 1926 - 1950 Thompson, Ronald 1960 - 1964 Thrane, Bernhard C. 1892 - 1967 Van Den Boer, Hazel (nee Marks) 1900 - 1938 Wagner, Genevieve 18 Dec 1920 - 6 Dec 1932 Waters, Alfred Raymond 1913 - 1972 Wheeler, Alma E. 1898 - 1994 Wheeler, Norman 1897 - 1985 Wiles, George G. 1924 - 1989 hus of Gwendolyn Wiles, Gwendolyn R. 1942 - Wiles, Warren George 17 Apr 1972 - 9 Jun 1991
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