Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Cemetery
Alvena district

RM of Fish Creek # 402   NE 4-41-1 W3
GPS   52.507470°N   106.077618°W

Transcribed & photographed by Sheila M. Schmutz
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

     Last numbers are Row-Grave

Chabros, Albert  1903 - 1961 R3-1

Ganchar, Joseph  1911 - 1948 R3-3
Ganchar, Michael  12 Oct 1918 - 8 Sep 1992 R4-2
Ganchar, Apolonia  16 Nov 1918 - 18 Aug 1994 R4-2 
Ganchar, Nykola  1880 - 1952 R4-3 
Ganchar, Anna  1880 - 1966 R4-3
Ganchar, (unknown)
Ganozar, Franka  1909 - 1915 R1-5
Ganozar, Joeaska  1837 - 1907 R1-2
Ganozar, Joeaska  (2nd photo)
Ganozar, Ignaci  1841 - 1925 R2-3
Hrynchyshyn, Angeline  1956 - 2004 R5-6
Karwacki, Mikolaj  1885 - 1968 R4-11
Karwacki, Rosalia  1892 - 1983 R4-11 
Karwacki, Zygmuut  8 Mar 1918 - 27 Dec 1991 R5-5 
Karwacki, Phyliis  9 Mar 1921 - 28 Mar 2005 R5-5
Liszcysynski, Felix  1889 - 1964 R4-12
Liszcysynski, Maria  1898 - 1988 R4-12 
Lucyshyn, Nykola  1868 - 1925 R1-7 
Lucyshyn, Rozalia  1873 - 1915 R1-7 
Lucyshyn, Albert (infant)   R1-6 next to Rozalia

Maskewich, Thomas  1900 - 1978 R4-16
Maskewich, Helen  1911 - 1986 R4-16 
Matushewski, Stan  1918 - 1976 R3-11 
Matushewski, Antoni  1888 - 1942 R3-10
Matushewski, Mary  1891 - 1975 R3-10 
Matushewski, Anna  27 Jan 1870 - 24 Nov 1948 R3-14 
Matushewski, Jan  1864 - 22 Jul 1944 R3-14
Matuszewski, (baby)   R3-12
Michakow, Steve  1904 - 1990 R5-1
Michakow, Anne  1904 - 1993 R5-1 
Michalko, Nicholas  1908 - 1963 R3-2
Michalko, Frances  1910 - 1950 R3-2
Michalko, Jimmie A.  1946 - 1988 R4-4	
Michalko, John  4 May 1875 - 30 Dec 1957 R4-5 
Michalko, Agnes  1 Nov 1879 - 30 Nov 1955 R4-5 
Michalko, Elnora  26 Oct 1939 - 16 Jun 2006 R5-3 
Michalko, Elmer  24 May 1940 -            R5-3 
Michalko, Julia E.  1919 - 2007 R5-2 
Michalko, Ted R.  1917 - 2001 R5-2

Oleskiw, Marcin  1867 - 1958 R4-13
Oleskiw, Carolina  1876 - 1964 R4-13 
Oleskiw, John  1903 - 1964 R4-14
Oleskiw, Pauline  1911 - 2003 R4-14 
Oleskiw, Edward  1911 - 2003 R4-15
Oleskiw, Jean  1915 - 1967 R4-15 

Pozniak, Nykolaj  1859 - 1942 R3-6 
Romaniuk, Anna  1840 - 1922 R1-8
Roslinksi, Frank  1836 - 1909 R3-7
Roslinski, Elizabeth  9 Nov 1943 - 26 Nov 1943 R3-9 dau of John 
Roslinsky, Walter  22 May 1947 - 29 Jul 1958 R3-8 son of Charles
Sharanowski, John  (front of cemetery)
Sharanowski, Rose  (front of cemetery)
Sharanowski, Rose & John

Tchorewski, Albina  1924 - 1925 R1-9 shared burial site with Melania
Tchorewski, Albina  (2nd photo)
Tchorewski, Henry (infant)  died 10 Mar 1934 R1-9
Tchorewski, Robert  1967 - 2001 R4-7
Tchorewski, Elizabeth  1934 - 1969 R4-8
Tchorewski, Melania  1898 - 1927 R1-9
Tchorewski, Stanley  1897 - 1968 R4-9
Tchorewski, Frances  1905 - 1989 R4-9
Tokar, Hoyirh  died 1919 R1-4
Tokar, Nick  1919 - 1919 R1-3	
Tokar, Mary  1920 - 1921 R1-3	
Tokar, Franka  died 24  May 1924 R2-4	
Tokar, Hnko^A  died 31 Oct 1930 age 42 R2-5	
Tokar, Teklia  1891 - 1961 R2-6
Tokar, (unknown)  1944 - 1932
Tokar, Joseph  21 Apr 1921 - 28 Feb 1987 R4-1	

unknown  R2-1
unknown  R3-13

Wawryk, Anna  died age 78 R3-17
Wawryk, Stefan  died 22 Jan 1945 age 85 R3-17
Woyce, Larry  1954 - 2010 R5-7 (obituary states son of Irene & Anton Woychyshyn)
Woychyshyn, Tony  1909 - 1992 R5-9 
Woychyshyn, Irene  1922 - 2005 R5-9 
Woychyshyn, Edward  23 Nov 1927 - 1 Oct 1996 R5-8
Yachnicki, Anna  6 May 1860 - 8 Dec 1946 R3-4
Yachnicki, Antoni  12 Aug 1858 - 27 Feb 1947 R3-4
Yuzak, Apolonia  1895 - 1991 R4-6 shared headstone with Anton
Yuzak, Anton  1888 - 1975 R4-6 shared headstone with Nykola Yuzak
Yuzak, Victor  1916 - 1982 R4-10
Yuzak, Albina  1898 - 1988 R4-10 
Yuzak, Bernard  4 Aug 1922 - 29 Jun 2009 R5-4 
Yuzak, Lillian  14 May 1926 -           R5-4 

Zabaczynski, Aniela  10 Mar 1864 - 18 Jul 1941 R2-2
Zabaczynski, Jan  1848 - 1915
Zakreski, Walter  7 Feb 1896 - 29 Mar 1949 R3-16
Zakreski, Mike  22 Nov 1913 - 18 Feb 1945 R3-15 
Zakrzewski, Karolina  1869 - 1952 R3-5 (Zakreski)
Zakrzewski, Marjan  1866 - 1943 R3-5

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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