St. Ascension Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
Laniwci / Smuts district
R.M. of Aberdeen # 373   SW 1-41-2 W3
First burial in 1902, 170 burials by 2004

Bazhovski, Pavlo  1867 - 1939
Bazhovski, Varvara  1874 - 1950
Bowkowy, Olga  16 May 1912 - 18 Dec 1994
Bowkowy, Stefan  1912 - 1976
Bowkowy, William  1908 - 1963
Boyenko, Nykola  1902
Boyenko, Tekla

Dybik, Ksenya  1905 - 1839
Dyrda, Dokya  1902 - 1924
Dziadyk, Aniela  1907 - 1980
Dziadyk, (infant)  son & dau of Nick & Pearl 
Dziadyk, Michael  1903 - 1991
Dziadyk, Paranka  1911

Gayowski, Elsie Marie  9 May 1947 - 
Gayowski, Joseph William  28 Nov 1945 - 16 Jan 2004
Georgeson, Kelly Lloyd Peter  27 Mar 1970 - 8 Jun 1996 grandson of Tekla Lucyk

Habrych, Anna  1877 - 1937
Habrych, Slesa  1929 - 1944
Halabyra, Kirilo  1861 - 1940
Halabyra, Nykola  1897 - 1955
Halabyra, Paraskevya  1867 - 1940
Harasymchuk, Betty  born 1925
Harasymchuk, Mike  1917 - 1983
Harder, Elizabeth 'Elsie'  28 Apr 2017
Hawryluk, Annie  1911
Hawryluk, Dmytro  1911
Hawryluk, John  1911
Hawryluk, Magdaline  16 Jul 1961
Hawryluk, Mykhailo  1864 - 1936
Hawryluk, Paraska
Hnatick, Maria  1859 - 1916
Hnatick, Michael  Dec 1932 - Mar 1933
Hnatick, Walter  Dec 1932 - Mar 1933
Hnatik, Barbara  1899 - 1984
Hnatik, Pauline  1920 - 2002 dau of Barbara Hnatik
Hnatik, Petro  1955
Hnativ, Ilko  1878 - 1964
Hnativ, Oleksa  1916
Hnativ, Tekla  1924
Hnatiw, Anna  1903 - 1972
Hnatiw, John  28 Nov 1904 - 1 Mar 1962
Hnatiw, Nettie
Holubetz, Leonard  1950
Holubetz, Marie  1987 - 1951
Holubetz, Orest  31 Jul 1940 - 27 Jun 1998
Holubetz, William  1869 - 1946
Hoploska, Maria  1864 - 1930
Hrapchak, Annie  1902 - 1926
Hrapchak, John  5 Feb 1926 - 20 May 1926
Hrapchak, Marie Slofa  31 May 1924 - 24 Jul 1924
Hrapchak, Steve  22 Jan 1922 - 16 Apr 1998
Hritsak, Maria C.  1883 - 1933
Hritsak, Teresa  1925 - 1934
Hritsak, Yaskil  1920
Hritsak, Yulyan  1922 - 1922
Hrycak, Isidor  15 May 1912 - 24 Jul 1995

Kissel, Joseph  1859 - Dec 1928
Kissel, Katherine  1912 - 1937 dau of Joseph & Sophia
Kissel, Sophia (nee Surkan)  1868 - 1937 wife of Joseph
Kondra, Oleksa  1864 - 1920
Korpan, Anna  1871 - 1954
Korpan, Anna  1878 - 15 Jan 1914, 1st wife of Michael 
Korpan, Nellie  1909 - 30 Jul 2003
Korpan, Nick  17 Nov 1903 - 26 Aug 1960
Korpan, Yrslyzheni  1863 - ?
Kurmey, Peter  18 Aug 1869 - 26 Sep 1913

Lozinski, Jan  May 1902
Lozinski, Matrona  1897 - 1987
Lozinski, Milko  1895 - 1963
Lozinsky, Anna
Lozinsky, Carl  8 Aug 1907 - 16 Apr 1992
Lozinsky, Frances  26 Apr 1917
Lozinsky, Isadore  1899 - 1975
Lozinsky, Jean  1913 - 5 Dec 2013 wife of Carl
Lozinsky, Leonora  1877 - 1972
Lozinsky, Mary  1905 - 1992
Lozinsky, Myron Steve  3 Oct 1943 - 10 Jan 1986
Lozinsky, Paul  6 Nov 1918 - 31 Jan 2000
Lozinsky, Stefan  1877 - 1941
Lozinsky, Walter  14 Jan 1913 - 9 Jul 1995
Lucyk, Myron  1894 - 1960
Lucyk, Tekla (nee Owchar)  1 Oct 1908 - 9 Oct 1996

Mantyka, Anna  1927
Mialkowsky, John  1 May 1913 - 7 May 1975
Mialkowsky, Pauline  14 Jan 1919
Mlalentsi, Anton
Mlalentsi, Yosef
Mykhasiv, Maria  24 Sep 1867 - 24 Sep 1927

Olevka, Katerina  1912 - 1937
Owchar, Audrey  1926 - 1979
Owchar, Barbara  1874 - 1959
Owchar, Mike  1911
Owchar, Nykola  1871 - 1938

Parchewsky, Nykola  1944
Parchewsky, Teresa  1887 - 1962
Popowich, Wasyl  1894 - 1953
Popuwich, Mary  1905 - 1951

Remenda, Anna  1867 - 1906
Remenda, Semko  1857 - 1928
Robert, Laurie  Lynn 1961 - 2001
Ry__, Katharina  1867 - 1935

Scherban, Anylka  1908 - 1996 wife of Axenty 
Scherban, Axenty  1899 - 1966 
Sherban, Alex  1903 - 1972
Sherban, Slawko  1938 - 1943 son of Alex & Anne 
Sherban, Tekla  1863 - 1944
Sherban, (unknown)  died 1916
Shohlowski, Frantsivka  1889 - 1932
Shohlowski, Mykhail  1933
Shuydyk, Stefania  born 1920
Sielski, Maria  15 Aug 1893 - 2 Mar 1976
Sielski, Michael  18 Apr 1885 - 16 Jul 1976
Sielski, William  1913 - 1957
Sikorski, Anna  1879 - 1965 
Sikorski, Anna  1912 - 1978
Sikorski, Anton  1947
Sikorski, John  1913 - 1972
Sikorski, Mary  18 Jun 1929 - 20 Sep 1929
Sikorski, Mike  1909 - 1982
Sikorski, Walter  1916 - 1988
Sikorsky, Joseph  1910 - 1935
Sikorsky, Peter  1899 - 1937
Slocinski, Anton  1916
Slyska, Evhen  1932
Slyska, Franka
Slywka, Harry  14 Feb 1914 - 12 Apr 1999
Slywka, Michael  1872 - 1959
Slywka, Nykola  1914
Slywka, Paraska  1874 - 1949
Slywka, Stella  25 Dec 1921 - 8 Oct 2003
Slywka, Yosef 'Joseph'  1910 - 1951 hus of Katherine Kissel, son of Jacob & Annie
Stadnyk, Fed  1889 - 1968
Stadnyk, Franka  1886 - 1969
Stadnyk, Hrynko  1852 - 1941
Stadnyk, Maria  1854 - 1940
Stadnyk, Nick  1916 - 1983
Stadnyk, Petro  1884 - 1973
Stadnyk, Tekla  1885 - 1962
Stadnyk, Verna  born 1915
Swidzinski, Annie  1912 - 2001
Swidzinski, Edward  1932 - 1977
Swidzinski, John  1901 - 1984
Swidzinski, Volodymyr
Swidzinsky, Anton  1909 - 2001

Vasilitsiv, Oleksa  1917
Viznok, Oleksa  1864 - 1937
Viznok, Olena  1862 - 1945

Walker, Victoria (nee Owchar)  1906 - 1998
Wasylciw, Irene  1859 - 1944
Wawryk, Helen  1922 - 2000
Woytowich, Ann (nee Wozniak)  1 Apr 1921 - 17 Aug 1943
Woytowich, Anori  1886 - 1932
Woytowich, Katerina  1950
Woytowich, Maria  1868 - 1957
Woytowich, Semyen  1861 - 1929
Woytowich, William  16 May 1913 - 9 Nov 1985
Wozniak, Charles  1895 - 1952
Wozniak, Charles (baby)  son of Charles & Josephine
Wozniak, Elsie  17 Aug 1937 -
Wozniak, Eugene  6 Aug 1935 - 1 Mar 1995
Wozniak, Jacob  1884 - 1917
Wozniak, Olha
Wright, Anne (nee Lozinsky)  17 May 1953 - 21 Feb 1981

Zari, (unknown)  1909
Zari, Anna  1909 - 1912
Zari, Dmytro  1910 - 1915
Zari, Lavrin
Zari, Maria  1902 - 1982
Zari, Nykola  1901 - 1988
Zari, Okhri  1932
Zari, Paraskevia  1871 - 1949
Zari, Prokop  1866 - 1946
Zhyrybetska, Eva  1865 - 1905
Zhyrybetski, Ivan  1919

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