Carragana Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Former Presbyterian Church. Carragana Church. A National Historic Site

SE 22-42-8 W2 in the RM of Porcupine 395.

The name of this cemetery is Carragana, and not as the plant Siberian Pea Shrub (Caragana) due to how the name was originally registered circa 1919
Photographed by Myrla Birch

Note Click on the gold button to view photograph of headstone.
Listing is in alphabetical order of surnames. Entries without a gold button have no headstone photograph.
Carragana Presbyterian Church Sign
ImagePrefixFirst NameMiddle NameLast NameSuffixMaiden NameDay of BirthMonth of BirthYear of BirthDay of DeathMonth of DeathYear of DeathPlotInscriptionNicknameLatitudeLongitude
 Arthur Arneson  26101910331999Plot 2-3   52.62738103.06262
 MarvinL.Arneson    1941  1993Plot 2-6  52.62738103.06262
 Winnie Arneson Sambrook114191019122010Plot 2-1   52.62738103.06262
 Bruce Bell  17818962321964Plot 5-1  52.62738103.06262
 Arthur Bird    1922  2006Plot 9-2  52.62738103.06262
 Robert CrookstonBird    1889  1973Plot 9-4  52.62738103.06262
 SylviaMonaBird    1907  1973Plot 9-4  52.62738103.06262
 Veronica Bird    1881  1953Plot 9-2  52.62738103.06262
 Raymond Blueeyes    1962  1984Plot 25-2  52.62738103.06262
 Leroy Bowser    1884  1931Plot 4-1  52.62738103.06262
 Roland Brand    1918  1920NW15-42-8-W2son of John&Molly Brand 52.62738103.06262
 AliceJuneBrehmer   61937 121938Plot 16-1   52.62738103.06262
 Allan Brehmer        Plot 11-6  52.62738103.06262
 DorisEthelBrehmer Wallace15119282422021Plot 11-8  52.62738103.06262
 HermanRubenBrehmer    1926  1975Plot 11-4  52.62738103.06262
 Herman E.Brehmer    1894  1953Plot 11-4  52.62738103.06262
 IreneWilmaBrehmer  219192928122020Plot 11-2  52.62738103.06262
 Betty Cairns Bird  1909   Plot 9-6  52.62738103.06262
 LynetteAnneCairns  24101963511987Plot 9-6  52.62738103.06262
 Mary Louise Cairns Stegeman4719432952018Plot 10-3 Molly52.62738103.06262
 William Cairns  7418971461974Plot 9-8  52.62738103.06262
 AlexDanielCampeau  22919352032017Plot 17-5  52.62738103.06262
 Bertha Campeau        Between Plot 17-8 &22-2  52.62738103.06262
 Bradley Campeau        Plot 23-4  52.62738103.06262
 Craig Campeau        Plot 23-2  52.62738103.06262
 Dorothy Campeau Whitehead7319522772016Plot 22-5  52.62738103.06262
 Frank HankCampeau Angibuk2021954432020Plot 17-8&-4  52.62738103.06262
 George Campeau        Plot 24-5  52.62738103.06262
 GilbertL.Campeau    1921  1985Plot 23-1  52.62738103.06262
 Jack Campeau    1899   Plot 24-1  52.62738103.06262
 Jacob-Baby Campeau        Plot 18-7  52.62738103.06262
 James Campeau        Plot 22-1  52.62738103.06262
 Jean  Campeau        Plot 24-3  52.62738103.06262
 Jeanie Campeau Kishayinew  1960  1978Plot 17-8  52.62738103.06262
 Jeff Campeau        Plot 22-4  52.62738103.06262
 Joe Campeau        Plot 22-6  52.62738103.06262
 JohnWilliamCampeau    1899  1980Plot 24-4  52.62738103.06262
 JohnnyReinCampeau  241119662992007Plot 19-7  52.62738103.06262
 JosephGilbertCampeau  24919551232002Plot 18-8  52.62738103.06262
 Margaret Campeau    1934  1987Between Plot 19-8&24-2  52.62738103.06262
 Mary ClaraCampeau    1916  2005Between Plot 18-7&23-1  52.62738103.06262
 MervinIrvinCampeau  102195919122020Plot 16-7  52.62738103.06262
 Mike Campeau    1936  1967Plot 19-5  52.62738103.06262
 Mike Campeau        Plot 24-6  52.62738103.06262
 Nia Campeau        Plot 24-2  52.62738103.06262
 Robert  Campeau        Plot 23-5  52.62738103.06262
 Ryerson Campeau        Plot 18-5  52.62738103.06262
 Sandy Campeau  27619448122002Plot 19-8  52.62738103.06262
 unknown Campeau        Plot 23-3  52.62738103.06262
 William Campeau        Plot 25-3  52.62738103.06262
 William  Campeau        Plot 23-6  52.62738103.06262
 Agnes Chapman Galacz26419492332010Plot 19-3  52.62738103.06262
 EthelM.Chapman    1916  1996Plot 19-4Mother 52.62738103.06262
 FrancesG.H.Chapman    1908  1976Plot 19-2Father 52.62738103.06262
 Donald Z.Chute    1905  2003Plot 7-6  52.62738103.06262
 FlorenceKChute Denniss  1909  2002Plot 7-8  52.62738103.06262
 Phoebe Cole        Plot 2-8  52.62738103.06262
 Edwin G.Collins    1871  1954Plot 8-2  52.62738103.06262
 GladysP.Collins Murray  1907  1998Plot 8-6  52.62738103.06262
 HilliardH.Collins    1900  1974Plot 8-4  52.62738103.06262
 MyronH.Collins    1933  2012Plot 8-8  52.62738103.06262
 Pearl Collins    1899  1989Plot 8-3  52.62738103.06262
 Ralph Collins    1895  1979Plot 8-1  52.62738103.06262
 Art  Connolly        Plot 1-5  52.62738103.06262
 CalvinHenryConnolly    1892  1965Plot 1-3  52.62738103.06262
 Lillian Connolly        Plot 1-5  52.62738103.06262
 PhyllisHazelConnolly    1927  1948Plot 1-1  52.62738103.06262
 ElizabethJanetCooke  31101913281995Plot 9-6  52.62738103.06262
 KathleenJ.Davidson  30519161132001Plot 3-3   52.62738103.06262
 SarahJane Desjarlais Roper30111952892014Plot 18-3  52.62738103.06262
 Helen Dunlop    1882  1942Plot 11-7wife of John T. Dunlop 52.62738103.06262
 JohnT Dunlop    1877  1952Plot 11-5  52.62738103.06262
 Baby Hammett        Plot 9-1  52.62738103.06262
 Baby Harbison        Plot 5-2  52.62738103.06262
 RichelleAnn Harbison  24119772511977Plot 5-2  52.62738103.06262
 KeithW.Hitchcock  91219393151995Plot 16-8  52.62738103.06262
 Lorraine G.Hitchcock Marshall1441944522015Plot 16-6  52.62738103.06262
 AnnaliesAnnieHobman Newman15919321372009Plot 14-3  52.62738103.06262
 BerthaLuraasHobman    1902  1995Plot 14-4  52.62738103.06262
 DonaldLuraasHobman  91019296121989Plot 14-1  52.62738103.06262
 MichaelC.Hobman    1905  1970Plot 14-2  52.62738103.06262
 Roland Jenner    18792991956     
 Mary E.Jinks    1864  1950Plot 2-7  52.62738103.06262
 SilasDyreJinks    1862  1957Plot 2-5  52.62738103.06262
 JamesCharlesKing  15118952051974Plot 4-5  52.62738103.06262
 LeilaIreneKing  16619052131952Plot 4-7  52.62738103.06262
 Robert RoyKing  28219299112015Plot 4-5 Bob52.62738103.06262
 BarbaraAnneLeepart  24819511681972Plot 6-5  52.62738103.06262
 DanielRichardLeepart  2451950642003Plot 6-8  52.62738103.06262
 EthelM.Leepart Mann971929862014Plot 6-7  52.62738103.06262
 GwendolynM.Leepart    1901  1980Plot 6-4  52.62738103.06262
 Kenneth R. Leepart  2441930862000Plot 6-7   52.62738103.06262
 LeolaVictoriaLeepart    1919  1950Plot 6-1  52.62738103.06262
 Nathan I.T.Leepart    1896  1964Plot 6-7  52.62738103.06262
 Robert WilliamLeepart  223192014111995Plot 6-3  52.62738103.06262
 RonaldN.Leepart    1928661979Plot 6-6  52.62738103.06262
 ArthurC.Lewis    1905  1963Plot 5-4  52.62738103.06262
 BeatriceA.Lewis Whitman  1910  1966Plot 5-3  52.62738103.06262
 George Linnell        Between Plot 6-7 and Plot 11-1    
 Archie MacDonald  2971878531949Plot 3-7  52.62738103.06262
 Effie MacDonald Ceaser181188917121978Plot 3-5  52.62738103.06262
 G.Keith MacDonald    1911  1976Plot 3-3   52.62738103.06262
 IsabelM.MacDonald  771930992013Plot 3-1  52.62738103.06262
 JohnArchibaldMacDonald  23319198122000Plot 3-1  52.62738103.06262
 Clayton Marshall    1917  2001Plot 12-2  52.62738103.06262
 Gloria W.C.Marshall Terschuur  1921  2012Plot 16-2  52.62738103.06262
 Olive  Marshall Potts  1916  2011Plot 12-4  52.62738103.06262
 Robert J.Marshall    1920  1986Plot 16-4  52.62738103.06262
 Bradley M.McDonald        Plot 22-3  52.62738103.06262
 DavidN.McKee    1900  1965Plot 3-7  52.62738103.06262
 Anna  Melchert        Plot 4-2  52.62738103.06262
 Baby Melchert  951970951970Plot 4-3  52.62738103.06262
 Myrtle Melchert Edgington111192422122012Plot 13-2  52.62738103.06262
 Vernon Melchert  14519262231999Plot 13-2  52.62738103.06262
 OrvilleT.G.Morrow  231119461542016Plot 3-4  52.62738103.06262
 Horst Mueller  291194312101987Plot 7-7   52.62738103.06262
 Charlotte AnnMyers Linnell Leepart151185816111940     
 Edward Myers     2431936     
 Betty Ninnie        Plot 15-1  52.62738103.06262
 Robert  Ninnie        Plot 15-4  52.62738103.06262
 Tootsie Ninnie        Plot 15-2  52.62738103.06262
 Jesse Perriman    1883  1963Plot 9-7  52.62738103.06262
 NorahM.Perriman    1882  1958Plot 9-5  52.62738103.06262
 MichaelJohnPoorman Campeau1819832992007Plot 19-5  52.62738103.06262
 Howard Reid    1874  1943NW of Gate  52.62738103.06262
 Jessie Sambrook    1898  1972Plot 2-4  52.62738103.06262
 Rupert Sambrook    1887  1990Plot 2-2  52.62738103.06262
 BerniceLisaShumi  31319832942005Plot 19-6  52.62738103.06262
 Molly Shumi    1955  2015Plot 17-7  52.62738103.06262
 Mervin Tony        Plot 22-2  52.62738103.06262
 KarenLynnVerville Campeau-Desmarais  1971  2014Plot 17-6  52.62738103.06262
 Sam Waparwiusch        Plot 18-4  52.62738103.06262
 Dennis Waposiusch        Plot 18-6  52.62738103.06262
 Florence Waposuch        Plot 25-1  52.62738103.06262
 John Waposuch        Plot 20-3  52.62738103.06262
 John Waposuch        Plot 15-3  52.62738103.06262
 Marlene Waposuch        Plot 20-4  52.62738103.06262
 John Wasyliw    1914  2001Plot 13-1  52.62738103.06262
 June Wasyliw Collins  1923  2010Plot 13-3  52.62738103.06262
 GeorgeS.K.Whitman    1950  1999Plot 17-6  52.62738103.06262
 KarenVerilleWhitman  411194613111946Plot 17-6  52.62738103.06262
 Lewis Whitman    1885   Plot 4-8  52.62738103.06262
 Louisa Whitman Walker  1917  2002Plot 21-5  52.62738103.06262
 Minnie Whitman        Plot 4-6  52.62738103.06262
 StanleyL.Whitman    1917  1972Plot 21-3   52.62738103.06262
 Virginia Whitman        Plot 21-1  52.62738103.06262
From the listing above the folloing links will not work when the golden button is clicked there are no photographs uploaded to the server Marvin L. Arneson Doris Ethel Brehmer Herman Ruben Brehmer Irene Wilma Brehmer Alex Daniel Campeau Dorothy Campeau Frank Hank Campeau Gilbert L. Campeau Joe Campeau John William Campeau Joseph Gilbert Campeau Donald Z. Chute Edwin G. Collins Gladys P. Collins Myron H. Collins Pearl Collins Ralph Collins Kathleen J. Davidson Sarah Jane Desjarlais Lorraine G. Hitchcock Daniel Richard Leepart Ronald N. Leepart Archie MacDonald Effie MacDonald G.Keith MacDonald Isabel M. MacDonald John Archibald MacDonald Clayton Marshall Olive Marshall Robert J. Marshall Gloria W.C. Marshall Myrtle Melchert Vernon Melchert Orville T.G. Morrow Horst Mueller Jessie Sambrook Rupert Sambrook Mervin Tony Karen Lynn Verville Dennis Waposiusch George S.K. Whitman

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Updated January 2022. Julia Adamson.

© Copyright 1979 - Bibliography for citations:
"Adamson, Julia, Myrla Birch. (2022, January) Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery
RM of Porcupine. Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project.
Retrieved from "

Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395,Carragana Presbyterian Cemetery Land location, SE22-42-08-W2, Porcupine RM395, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can,Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, © Copyright 1979 -

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