June 1941 Waghorn's Guide Post OfFice in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario

June 1941 Waghorn's Guide: Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario
Page 118 Column A Abbey - Amulet
Page 118 Column B Analta - Athabaska
Page 119 Column A Atikameg - Aylesham
Page 119 Column A con't Badger - Batoche
Page 119 Column B Bauval - Belair
Page 119 Column B con't Belanger - Bender
Page 120 Column A Bernard - Birch Bay
Page 120 Column A con't Birch Hills - Bluff Ck
Page 120 Column B Bluffton - Bracken
Page 120 Column B con't Braddock - Broncho
Page 121 Column A Brookdale - Burgoyne
Page 121 Column A con't Burmis - Calgary
Page 121 Column B Cameo - Carlton
Page 121 Column B con't Carlyle - Cedoux
Page 122 Column A Celtic - Chip Lake
Page 122 Column A con't Chipperfield - Clive
Page 122 Column B Cloan - Congresbury
Page 122 Column B con't Conklin - Cotham
Page 123 Column A Coulter - Crooks
Page 123 Column A con't Crossfield - Dallas
Page 123 Column B Dalmeny - Deer Ridge
Page 123 Column B con't Deer View - Dillabough
Page 124 Column A Dimsdale - Doussal
Page 124 Column A con't Dowling - Dunkirk
Page 124 Column B Dunleath - Ebenezer
Page 124 Column B con't Ebor - Ellscott
Page 125 Column A Elkwater - Erskine
Page 125 Column A con't Erwood - Fairholme
Page 125 Column B Fairlawn - Fife Lk
Page 125 Column B con't Finmark - Fond du Lac
Page 126 Column A Fonehill - Ft. Pelly
Page 126 Column A con't Ft Providence - Fullers L
Page 126 Column B Furness - Gillespie
Page 126 Column B con't Gilroy - Glenford
Page 127 Column A Glen Park - Gorlitz
Page 127 Column A con't Gouldstown - Grt Falls
Page 127 Column B Greenan - Gypsumville
Page 127 Column B con't Gunnworth - Hardene
Page 128 Column A Harding - Hay Lakes
Page 128 Column A con't Haynes - Hesketh
Page 128 Column B Hespero - Hinton Trl
Page 128 Column B con't Hirsch - Howden
Page 129 Column A Howie - Illerburn
Page 129 Column A con't Ilford Mile - Jackpine ThB & RR Dist
Page 129 Column B James Riv Bdg - Kashabowie
Page 129 Column B con't Kawene - Kettlehut
Page 130 Column A Kevisville - Kisbey
Page 130 Column A con't Kississing - Lac du Bonnet
Page 130 Column B Lac La Biche - Landonville
Page 130 Column B con't Landseer - Leckford
Page 131 Column A Ledwyn - Lewis
Page 131 Column A con't Leyland - Lonely Lake
Page 131 Column B Lone Pine - Luscar
Page 131 Column B con't Luseland - MacNutt
Page 132 Column A McCrae - Mapova
Page 132 Column A con't Margo - Marriott
Page 132 Column B Marquette - Meadow Lk
Page 132 Column B con't Meadow Ptge - Methley
Page 133 Column A Methven - Miniota
Page 133 Column A con't Minitonas - Moose Rge
Page 133 Column B Moose Vly - Mystery Lk
Page 133 Column B con't Mundare - Nemegos
Page 134 Column A Nemiscam - Niton
Page 134 Column A con't Niverville - Northv'e
Page 134 Column B Norway Val - Okla
Page 134 Column B con't Okema Bch - Overland
Page 135 Column A Overstoneville - Parry
Page 135 Column A con't Pascal - Peoria
Page 135 Column B Perbeck - Pine River
Page 135 Column B con't Pinewood - Popar Park
Page 136 Column A Poplar Riv - Purves
Page 136 Column A con't Queenst'n - Rat Lake
Page 136 Column B Raven - Rembrandt
Page 136 Column B con't Rennie - Rita
Page 137 Column A Ritchie - Romance
Page 137 Column A con't Ronan - Royal Lake
Page 137 Column B Royal Park - St. Boswells
Page 137 Column B con't St. Brides - St. Norbert
Page 138 Column A St Ouens - Sangudo
Page 138 Column A con't Sannes Th B & RR - Senkiw
Page 138 Column B Senlac - Shipman
Page 138 Column B con't Shoal Lk - Smeaton
Page 139 Column A Smiley - Sperling
Page 139 Column A con't Spinney Hill - Staynor Hl
Page 139 Column B Stead - Strasbourg
Page 139 Column B con't Strathallen - Sunshine
Page 140 Column A Suomi Tp Strge - Taylorside
Page 140 Column A con't Taylorville - Tofield
Page 140 Column B Togo - Tudor
Page 140 Column B con't Tuffnell - Usona
Page 141 Column A Valbrand - Verdant V'ly
Page 141 Column A con't Veregin - Wabigoon
Page 141 Column B Wabamun - Warner
Page 141 Column B con't Warrensville - Wesley Cr
Page 142 Column A West Bend - Whitewater
Page 142 Column A con't Whitewood - Winnifred
Page 142 Column B Winnipeg - Woodside
Page 142 Column B con't Woolchester - Zhoda

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This web site was made with possible with the submission from Larry Walton. It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1941 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this Post Office listing service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these Post Office listing would require permission from the contributor Larry Walton as per copyright laws in Canada. Dedication Webmaster: Julia Adamson saskgenweb@yahoo.com

IndexCanadian Maps Main Index............June 1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario Home

Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, June1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, June1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, June1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, June1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, June1941 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement,

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