Canadian Maps

1926 Highway Map Province of Saskatchewan

1926 Highway Map
	With so large a proportion of the people living an outdoor
life upon these prairies, it is perhaps only natural that this is
an extremely healthy country, and Saskatchewan is able to boast
that her death rate, 7.1 per thousand, is the lowest in the world
among all the countries and states publishing vital statistics.
This is no doubt partly due to the healthful occupation of the
great majority of the people, but at the same time much of the
credit must be given to a very aggressive and efficient Department
of Public Health, which has for many years been doing everything
possible to protect the air, water and food supplies of the people.
The public health measures now in force in this province are of
the most advanced and modern character, and have been both
praised and copied by a number of other provinces and states
on this continent.
	Among the valuable services performed by this department
is included the supplying to physicians, free of charge, of vaccines
and sera of various kinds.  Since this work was begun in
September, 1917, down to the end of December, 1925, the records
show that 365,305,000 units of diphtheria anti-toxin have been
distributed; smallpox vaccine sufficient for 186,017 persons;
typhoid vaccine sufficient for 35,413 persons; since 1923 diphtheria
toxoid enough for 66,528 persons, and later in the summer of
1925 the distribution of scarlet fever anti-toxin was commenced.
All of this was issued free of charge.
	The division of Sanitation suggests, initiates and co-ordi-
nates activities which go to make a healthy environment for the
people of the province. The public water supplies, sewerage and
sewage treatment systems are under constant supervision. Already
70 per cent of all milk sold in the cities of Saskatchewan is pasteur-
ized.  Officials of the division visit every city, town, village,
hamlet and summer resort at least once a year, and advise on
measures for the improvement of the local water and milk supplies,
conservancy, waste disposal and meat inspection.  For this
purpose the province is divided into definite inspectoral districts.
Scores are awarded based on the action taken by the local authori-
ties to protect the health of the community.
	The Union Hospitals, of which there are now 15 in operation
in the province, are built and maintained by two or more muni-
cipalities, being intended primarily to treat maternity cases and

xiii SASKATCHEWAN'S PUBLIC HEALTH RECORD-Continued emergencies, and wherever they have been established they are providing most successful. The administration of the Hospitals Act entails seeing to the carrying out of all regulations governing hospitals, supervising the buildings, accommodation, management, records of admission and discharge of patients, and the paying of the per capita grants which amount to 50 cents per day for each day's stay of every patient, and in the two tuberculosis sanitaria, to one dollar per hospital day. In 1905 the six hospitals with their equipment were valued at $63,084.53; in 1925 the 44 hospitals, not counting the 11 Red Cross Outposts, with their equipment have a valuation of $4,669,517.56. In 1905, 1,078 patients received 21,369 days' treatment; in 1925, 37,504 received 609,277 days' treatment. From a hospital hed capacity of about 75 in 1905 it has been increased in 1925 to 2,521, or one hospital bed for every 300 of the population. For the treatment of tuberculosis, 554 beds are now available in Saskatchewan and $1,467,000 has been spent in provideing up-to-date sanatoria. In the year 1912 one birth in every 20 took place in hospitals; in the year 1924, one birth in every six took place in hospitals. The work of the division of the laboratory, which is of the utmost value to physicians in aiding in diagnosis, consists of bacteriological, serological, pathological and chemical work. The bacteriological work entails the examination of clinical material of a varied nature and the making of blood tests and tests for a number of infectious diseases. Serology has to do with all kinds of vaccines and sera, many of which are prepared in the laboratory. The pathological work covers the examination of tumours and tissues removed from either human beings or animals, and under the heading of chemistry may be grouped the analyses of food, milk, water and alcoholic beverages. The laboratories also perform medico-legal work in connection with criminal cases. The doctor in charge of the communicable diseases division collects and compiles all reports of infectious diseases which he gathers from over 800 medical health officers located in all parts of the province. If it is thought that all necessary precautions are not heing taken to prevent a spread of the disease, an official is at once sent to that particular district in order to furnish what assistance he can in controlling or arresting the outbreak.

xiv SASKATCHEWAN'S PUBLIC HEALTH RECORD-Continued As a public health measure considerable attention is given to child welfare and home nursing work. This includes the holding by nurses of nursing classes and demonstrations; lectures on care and feeding of children; the visiting of maternity homes and hospitals; the holding of town and country pre-school examina- tion clinics. This work is in charge of the Director who is a physician. The work of his staff of special nurses, with the assistance of moving pictures, the preparation of educational exhibits at the Exhibitions and Fairs, and the issue of a large quantity of special literature, has been specially appreciated by all the Women's organizations, who have also helped to make their work a success. The Division of Vital Statistics compiles records of births, marriages, dissolutions of marriages and deaths in the province. The report of the Registrar-General of Great Britain published stated that the general death rate of Saskatchewan of 7.1 was the lowest of any portion of the British Empire and the Dominion Bureau of Statistics stated that this was the lowest of any country publishing vital statistics. For this result credit is due to the splendid work done by the medical health officers in the cities, towns and rural districts, as well as to the assistance received from the members of the medical profession at large.
This coming of age Souvenir contains an Offical Map
of the Highways System of the Province (prepared by
the Saskatchewan Department of Highways) and some
interesting information about the progress of the
Province since its formation twenty-one years ago.
Issued by the Department of Highways

1926 Highway Map
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This web site was made with possible with the original scan from Julia Adamson It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1926 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these maps would require permission from the contributor Julia Adamson as per copyright laws in Canada. Webmaster: Julia Adamson

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.