Canadian Maps

1926 Highway Map Province of Saskatchewan

1926 Highway Map
	The progress of the province of Saskatchewan is probably
nowhere more strongly marked than in the development of its
telephone system since the inauguration of the province in 1905.
In the year 1905 there were only two or three small systems,
operated by the Bell Company and comprising about 2,000
telephones in all in use in the province. In 1908 three acts were
passed by the Legislature having to do with telephones: one for
the purpose of creating a Department of Telephones, another
was the Municipal Telephone Act giving power to town and
village municipalities to construct telephone systems, and the
third was known as The Rural Telephone Act.  In 1909 the
Bell system was bought out by the provincial government and an
era of rapid development was commenced. In that year there
were 30 companies organized with 890 miles of wire and 950
subscribers. Under this act the system grew and in four years
the subscribers amounted to approximately 6,000.
	Certain difficulties arose under the act in administration
and organization, chiefly of a financial character. To meet these
difficulties a new rural telephone act was passed in 1913 which,
besides containg practically the same principles as the original
act, also provided that the initial cost of a company could be
raised by the sale of debentures repayable by levying a tax on the
lands adjacent to the lines. As a result of this new act a tremen-
dous growth took place in the rural telephone service. In 1914,
the first year in which the new act was in operation, 5,000 rural
were added and this proportionate growth continued until in 1918
there was an increase of over 10,000.
	We have had in this province the most remarkable and
greatest rural telephone development that has been seen in any
country in the world.  Today there are approximately 65,000
rural phones in Saskatchewan, to which may be added another
33,000 subscribers served through the government service, or one
phone for about eight people.
	Many rural companies have interested themselves in an
exchange in a small town and in some cases very small villages
are getting continuous service through the rural system. There
are about 100 points in the province where people in very
small hamlets are receiving telephone service through the rural

xi SASKATCHEWAN'S PHONE DEVELOPMENT- continued organization and further there are about 400 miles of short long- ted by rural companies. Another phase of development is found in the fact that the average size of companies has been steadily increasing. In the early days, the average number of subscribers in a rural company average number is 55. Still another develop- ment in rural phone organization has been the introduction of the automatic rural system. There are a number of automatic exchanges in the province and in this respect Saskatchewan has gone a great deal further than any other province or sate of the Union. The Rural Telephone School, conducted each year by the Department, is another side development of the rural system. To this school there come large numbers of farm boys who receive expert training in maintenance and telephone work, thus reducing the cost to the rural company and training an expert group of young men every year. As a demonstration of the efficacy of the co-operative endea- vour which has been made, it is interesting to note that under the legislation referring to telephones some 1,250 companies have financed and built their systems and are operating them under local management. In no other way could the rural field have been so rapidly and effectively covered. The provisions of the law permit of ready financing, freedom of action on the part of a commnunity in providing itself with service, logical expansion, cheap maintenance, low rates, local management in the light of local conditions and circumstances, local control of annual rentals and natural definition of boundaries of telephone areas through community interests. The rural telephone system in Saskatchewan has worked to give the farmers of the province satisfactory service at a reasonable cost. It is not possible, of course, to have such a service without cost, but the farmers appreciate the system and have found it well worth the cost. The general policy laid down by the Depart- ment of Telephones has been honestly and fairly lived up to by the companies, and has been responsible for the splendid development and for the unique position Saskatchewan occupies today in this respect.
This coming of age Souvenir contains an Offical Map
of the Highways System of the Province (prepared by
the Saskatchewan Department of Highways) and some
interesting information about the progress of the
Province since its formation twenty-one years ago.
Issued by the Department of Highways

1926 Highway Map
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This web site was made with possible with the original scan from Julia Adamson It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1926 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these maps would require permission from the contributor Julia Adamson as per copyright laws in Canada. Webmaster: Julia Adamson

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.