Canadian Maps

1926 Highway Map Province of Saskatchewan

1926 Highway Map

     Motor tourists upon entering Saskatchewan
must obtain a permit to operate their cars in 
the province. Permits may be obtained free of 
charge and are good for three months or less 
in any one calendar year.
     Permits can be obtained by the tourist 
as follows: from the Collector of Customs at 
Northgate, Estevan and North Portal; from the
Provincial Police Detachment at Bromhead, 
Diamond Crossing and Willow Bunch; from the
Local Registrars at Weyburn, Assiniboia, 
Shaunavon, Maple Creek, Moose Jaw, Moosomin
and Yorkton; from the R.C.M.P. at Bengough;
from the Motor License Branch at Regina and
Saskatoon from Inspection of the Department at
 North Battleford, Prince Albert and Qu'Appelle.

     Motor tourists must display permits on the
windshield and also display the number plates or
mark of the province or state to which they belong.

     A permit does not allow a tourist to offer
his car for hire.

     Motor cars must be equipped with adequate 
brakes and a suitable horn.

     Every auto must be equipped with a muffler
which must not be cut out or discontinued when the
car is in operation within the thickly settled portion
of any city, town or village, or when passing a horse
or other animal that is being led or driven.

     Every car must be equipped with two non-g1are 
lenses on head lights;lights to be turned on at sundown
if the car is in operation.

     A red tail light visible for a distance of 200
feet must be on every motor vehicle.

     Dim head lights when at a distance of 200 feet
from an approaching vehicle and keep them dim until
the vehicle has passed.

     When meeting at intersections the car on the 
right has the right of way.  When meeting vehicles
turn out to the right, and when overtaking vehicles
pass on the left, the car being passed shall turn 
out to the right.

     When overtaking a street car an auto must stop
at a safe distance behind in order to allow passengers
to hoard or leave the street car.
     In case of an accident on the road caused directly
or indirectly by an automobile, the driver of same shall
return to the scene of the accident and render all
possible assistance and give his name, address and license
number if requested.

     Always stop if requested or Signalled to do so by a
policeman or anyone who is in trouble while leading or 
driving animals.

     A person under the age of 16 years is not allowed
to drive an auto on the public highway.

     Speed limits are provided by by-laws in the various
cities, towns and villages and vary from eight to fifteen
miles per hour.

     The wise motor tourist will be considerate of others,
as he would have others considerate of him, and by so doing
will be welcomed by every Saskatchewan citizen.  

This coming of age Souvenir contains an Offical Map
of the Highways System of the Province (prepared by
the Saskatchewan Department of Highways) and some
interesting information about the progress of the
Province since its formation twenty-one years ago.
Issued by the Department of Highways

1926 Highway Map
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This web site was made with possible with the original scan from Julia Adamson It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1926 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these maps would require permission from the contributor Julia Adamson as per copyright laws in Canada. Webmaster: Julia Adamson

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.

Welcome to a new chapter in history! The Online Historical Map Digitization project volunteers extend a warm invitation to our new domain at We are thrilled to persist in our passion for documenting Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights. With the support of our growing Patreon community at, we've secured a new domain and hosting to continue providing this service. Your contributions help us thrive year after year. Explore our evolving webpages at for the Online Historical Map Digitization project courtesy SaskGenWeb at

Beyond this exciting announcement, we encourage visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. The generosity of and in providing free web hosting space has been invaluable. Now, as we transition to paid hosting, we seek your support in sustaining the Online Historical Map Digitization project. The previous site, hosted on the Provincial Saskatchewan Gen Web site by Rootsweb and Ancestry, is evolving into a new, dynamic space at our fresh domain. Your presence, whether through memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, adds depth to the collective understanding of our shared heritage.

Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all. Together, we embark on a journey to continue preserving and celebrating the rich history of the Online Historical Map Digitization project.