Canadian Maps

1926 Highway Map Province of Saskatchewan

1926 Highway Map

		                   (1926)  SASKATCHEWAN'S BEAUTIFUL LAKES
            Among the thousands of lakes which are to be found in
         Saskatchewan, the following are among those most noted for
         their attractiveness:
            Last Mountain Lake-About 25 miles northwest from
         Regina. Has summer resorts at Regina, Saskatchewan,Arlington
         and Lumsden Beaches. Has hotels, golf courses and tennis courts,
         and is noted for sailing, fishing and bathing facilities.

            Qu'Appelle Lakes-Have a number of summer resorts
         scattered along a beautiful valley, with all facilities for recreation
         of every kind. Sixty miles northwest from Regina on good roads.
         Some of these resorts are Fort Qu'Appelle, B-Say-Tah Point,
         Katepwe, Lebret, Round and Crooked Lakes.
            Carlyle Lake-One of a cluster of lovely clear-water lakes
         about 50 miles north of the International Boundary and south of
         Whitewood on the C.P.R. main hue.  Is well wooded and has
         innumerable good camping sites.
            Fish Lake-Near Carlyle Lake. Has hotels, splendid fishing
         and charming woodland scenery.
            Cold Lake-About 85 miles north of Lloydminster, can be
         reached hy motor, and contains trout running up to 50 pounds in
         weight. This is a very large body of water. 
  	     Fishing Lake-Southeast of Wadena about ten miles, and
         is well known as a great shooting ground for all kinds of water-
         fowl. There is also good fishing, boating and bathing in this lake.

            Humboldt Beach-About two miles from Humboldt. Has
         an excellent nine-hole golf course and fine camp sites, bathing
         and boating.
            Jackfish Lake-A large and very beautiful lake lying 24
         miles north of North Battleford, with the village of Meota on the
         shore.  There are fine sand beaches, and the clear, cold water
         simply swarms with various kinds of fish. Being one of a chain
         of lakes the whole area is a fishing and shooting paradise.

            Macklin Lake---A pretty lake close to the town of MackIm,
         with golf course, sandy beaches and boating, and surrounding the
         lake are extraordinary quantities of wild fruit of every kind.

            Round Lake-A pretty little lake 14 miles north of Prince
         Albert, making a pleasant summer resort for the people of that
         city.  Fishing, boating and bathing are the chief recreational
            Madge Lake- situated on the slope of Dock Mountain
         near the Manitoba boundary in Townships 30 and 31.  Sur-
         rounded by heavy spruce, birch, ash and alder trees. Fine bathing
         beaches and camping sites abound, and there are many wooded
         islands. Occasionally deer and moose may he seen in the woods.   
            Red Deer Lake-Is in the newly proposed national park,
         65 miles north of Prince Albert, and offers unusual inducements to
         the angler and hunter. Hunting (moose and deer), can
         and fishing are the chief attractions and among the ~
         are pike, pickerel, lake trout and white fish.
            Saltcoats Lake-Lies at the edge of the town of Saltcoats,
         and is a pretty, tree4ined body of water, with sandy beaches
         arid shady groves.  Camping, swimming, picnicing and boating
         niay be enjoyed.    
            Manitou Lake-Close to the town of Watrous.  The
         popularity of this lake is dependent upon the mineral character
         of the water which, in addition to its medicinal and curative
         qualities, has such a high specific gravity that it is impossible to
         sink below the surface.  The beach accommodation includes a
         huge iridoor heated swimming batb, several hotels, Y.M.C.A.
         camp. golf course and tennis courts.   
            Wynyard Beach-Is on Big Quill Lake, one of our large
         bodies of water covering over 130 square miles. The narrows
         between this lake and Little Quill Lake is famous for the heavy
         flight of ducks, which attracts large number of sportsmen each
         season. There is fine bathing and boating.
		 York Lake-This is a small lake south of the town of
         beautifully treed banks and sandy beaches. There
         is a splendid deer park in the vicinity containing a variety of deer,
         mountain sheep and goats. There are cottages to be rented and 
         fine facilities for boating, fishing and swimming.
         	Johnston Lake-Near Mossbank, southwest from Moose
         Jaw, and celebrated for the vast flocks of ducks and geese to be
         found there in the season, which is open from September 15 to
         the end of the year.
         	Great Manitou Lake-Lies about 65 miles west of Battle-
         ford, and easily reached from Marsden on the north or Rutland
         on the south of the lake. This is a very large lake and enorimous
         numbers of wild fowl congregate there each year.
         	Montreal Lake-The south end of this splendid lake is
         about 60 miles north of Prince Albert but is now reached by a
         motor road. There is magnificent fishing in this lake, arid good
         big-game hunting, and thereeis wonderful scenery in the unoccu-
         pied wilderness surrounding the lake, which is nearly 60 miles long.

         	Candle Lake-Lies northeast of Prince Albert. This little
         known lake is one of the largest in Saskatchewan, covering almost
         six townships.  Moose, deer and fur-hearing animals of all kinds
         are abundant in the district, and the lake teems with fish.
This coming of age Souvenir contains an Offical Map
of the Highways System of the Province (prepared by
the Saskatchewan Department of Highways) and some
interesting information about the progress of the
Province since its formation twenty-one years ago.
Issued by the Department of Highways

1926 Highway Map
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This web site was made with possible with the original scan from Julia Adamson It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1926 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these maps would require permission from the contributor Julia Adamson as per copyright laws in Canada. Webmaster: Julia Adamson