January 1925 Waghorn's Guide.

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This web site was made with possible with the submission from Julia Adamson saskgenweb@yahoo.com. It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan town names and locations as of 1919 available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this Post Office listing service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data for personal use, any online or commercial re-publication requires permissions. Any further use of these Post Office listing would require permission from the contributor Julia Adamson saskgenweb@yahoo.com Dedication

IndexCanadian Maps Main Index............January 1925 Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario Home............Sign Guest Book Sign Guestbook

Dumas, Dummer, Dunblane, Dunallen, Dundee, Dundurn, Dumferline, Dunkirk, Dunn, Dunshalt, Dunrea, Dunstable, Duperow, Durban, Durlingville, Duval, Duvernay, Dynervor, Dyment, Dysart, Eagle Butte, Eagle point, Eakindale, Eagle River, Eagle Hill, Earl, Earlie, Earlville, Earlstone, East Anglia, East Bay, E Braintree, Eastend, Eastburg, Eastgate, E. Kild'n lake, East Selkirk, Earl Grey, Earlswood, Eastbrook, Eastervale, Eastleigh, East Poplar River, Eatonia, Ebenezer, Ebor, Echo, Echodale, Echohill, Eckville, Edam, Edberg, Eddyside, Eddystone, Eden, Edenbridge, Edmonton, Ed'nkillie, Edenwold, Edgell, Edgeley, Edmore, Edson, Edrans, Edwand, Edwin, Degerton, Egg Lake, Egremont, Ekhart, Elardee, East Braintree, Elbourne, Elbridge, Elbow, Eldersley, Eldorena, Eldred, Elfros, Elie, Elkdale, Elkhorn, Ellis-Dist, Elk point, Elgin, Elk Ranch, Elkton, Ellscott, Elkwater, Ellisboro, Elm Creek, Elm Grove, Elm Springs, Elnora, Elrose, Elswich, Elphinston, Elstown, Elva, Emerson, Emo, Empress, Enchant, Endiang, Englefeld, English Th B & RR, Enid, Enilda, Ensign, Ensleigh, Entrance, Entwistle, Eriksdale, Erickson, Erinview, Erin Lodge, Ermine, Ernfold, Erskine, Esk, Eskbank, Esperance, Estevan, Esther, Estlin, Eston, Estuary, Ethelbert, Ethelon, Ethelwyn, Ettington, Etruria, Etzikom, Evansb'gh, Evarts, Evergreen, Evesham, Ewart, Ewelme, Excelsior, Expanse, Exshaw, Ewing, Eyebrow, Eyre, Eyremore, Fabyan, Fairdale, Faifax, Fairford, Fairholme, Fairlawn, Fairlight, Fairmede, Fairmount, Fairydell, Fairy Glen, Fairy Hill, Faith, Fallis, Falher, Falun, Fanford, Fannystelle, Fareham, Farmingdale, Farlstone, Farrington, Faulkner, Faust, Favor, Fawcett, Fawn lake, Federal, Fedorah, Fenn, Fenner, Fenton, Fenwood, Ferguson Fl, Ferintosh, Ferland, Fern Creek, Ferrybank, Fertile, Fertile Valley, Fescue, Fertility, Fielding, Fife lake, Findlater, Finmark, Finland, Fir Ridge, Fir mountain, Fish Creek, Fiske, Fisher Branch, Fisherton, Fisher Home, Fishing lake, Fishing River, Fillmore, Findlay, Firdale, Fishburn, Flanders Th By & RR, Flatbush, Flat lake, Flaxcombe, Flett, Fleming, Fletwode, Flint Th By & RR, Florann, Flowing Well, Foam lake, Foisy, Foley, Fonehill, Foothills, Forcina, Forester, Forest hall, Foreman, Foremost, Forget, Forestburg, Forrest Farm, Forest Lawn, Forrest Station, Fork Lake, Fork River, Fort Assiniboine, Fort Pitt, Fortier, Ft Assiniboine, Ft Pitt, Ft Fitzgerald, Fort Fitzgerald, Ft Garry, Fort Garry, Ft kent, Fort kent, Fort Pelly, Ft Pelly, Fort Smith, Ft Smith, Forward, Fox Hills, Fox Foxwarren, Ft Alexander, Fort Alexander, Ft a la Corne, Fort a la corne, Ft Chippewan, Fort chippewan, Fort Frances, Ft Frances, Ft Good Hope, Fort Good Hope, Ft Norman, Fort Norman, Ft McMurray, Fort McMurray, Ft Providence, Fort Porvidence, Fooston, Ft McPherson, Fort McPherson, Ft Resolution, Fort Resolution, Ft Sask, Fort Sask, Ft Simpson, Fort Simpson, Ft Vermillion, Fort Vermillion, Ft William , Fort William, Fournierville, Foxdale, Fox Valley, Farmnes, Francis, Frank, Frankburg, Franklin, Frankslake, Fraserton, Fraserwood, Freda, Freedale, Freedom, Freeman River, Freemont, Freminton, Frenchville, Frenchman's Butte, Fresnoy, Fribourg, Friedenstal, Frobisher, Frog Lake, Frontier, Frys, Froude, Fulda, Fundale, Furman Waghorn's Guide. Rail Stage Ocean Lake.
Copyright Canada 1906 by J.R. Waghorn. January 1925, No. 493. Giving section, township, range, by which location may be found by reference to the map published at the end of the Guide. Unless otherwise printed, lands in Manitoba are W. 1st Mer. The name in the last column is that of the nearest express or mail distributing office, and by reference to the index of railway stations the train service to each connecting point can be found. Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement, Ca, Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Waghorn's Guide Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, Manitoba, Mb, Man., Alta, Ab, Alberta, On, Ontario, West Ontario, Western Ontario, Post offices, placenames, city, town, towns, cities, hamlets, villages, hamlet, village, unincorporated settlement, station, stations, post office, station, settlement,

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