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CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index

CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index
	Saskatchewan contains the largest proportion of what are gener-
ally known as Western Canada's prairie lands, and yet at least
three-quarters of the province lies outside the prairie and may
be classed as park or bush lands.  Naturally its prairie lands
were first occupied and there is now little desirable undeveloped
land in the south portion of the province. The central areas,
mainly park country, were reached by railways more recently,
are still not fully developed, and offer opportunity for consider-
able additional settlement.

	During the past 5 years Saskatchewan has produced a wheat
crop averaging 227 million bushels. annually and a yearly aver-
age of 216 million bushels of other grains. There are 41~2' million
head of livestock on Saskatchewan farms, and the dairy butter
production is now approaching fifty million lbs. per year. The
land is very level in the south, slightly rolling in the central por-
tions, with numerous lakes and streams in the park country and
northern sections.

	A classification of land and farming conditions may be made
under four headings:
	  1. True Prairie. West and south of a line drawn from the
southeast corner of the Province, through Indian Head to Hum-
boldt, and thence to Saskatoon and west to the boundary. This
is part of the great plain which includes North Dakota and
Eastern Montana. The soil is chiefly a brown 1oam, fairly level,
and specially suitable to straight grain farming. Lands here
are already well developed and openings suitable for newcomers
are available for those able to finance on a fairly liberal basis.
	2. ~lird Prairie and Park Country. A belt running from
the north and east boundaries of the True Prairie as above de-
limited to a line drawn from Hudson Bay Junction on the East
to Lloydminster on the west. This belt contains much land very
lightly timbered and portions almost prairie.  Pastures are good,
fodder crops flourish and though much wheat is grown, mixed
farming is the rule. Improved and partly improved farms are
available in moderate numbers at low prices, but a reasonable
amount of capital is required for land, stock and equipment.
	3. Park Country.~This extends for varying distances north
of the foregoing, parts of it only are at present served by rail-
ways. Here there are somewhat heavier timber growths, the
soil when cultivated producing nutritious fodder crops.  It is
naturally suited to dairying and mixed farming. There are
many opportunities here for the man with moderate means who
can and will pioneer.
	4. Wooded area Extending north of existing rail lines and
for the present outside the limits considered satisfactory for
agricultural settlement.
	Other resources assure Saskatchewan a balanced develop-
ment and will provide home markets for farm products. Among
them may be mentioned valuable chemical deposits, pottery
clays, 80,000 square miles of forested land, extensive fresh water
fisheries, and in the north great water powers and latent mineral

CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index
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