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CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index

British Columbia, BC, B.C.
CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index
                BRITISH COLUMBIA  
     From the landseeker's viewpoint, the Province of British
Columbia may be divided into three areas: The Lower Main- 
land, the Peace River Block, and the Central Section.

  The Lower MainLand is featured by a moderate climate, small
mixed or specialised farms, a high percentage of urban popu-
lation and moderately high land value. Landseekers require
considerable capital to establish themselves comfortably.

	The Peace River Block contains a large area of agricultural
land. Landseekers interested in this area should first become 
acquainted with regulations governing settlement of crown lands
before any trip of inspection is planned. The Alaska Highway
begins in this territory and has greatly enhanced prospects for
the development of the vast hinterland lying to the north.

	The Central Section offers a great deal to the new settler. The
largest areas of suitable farm land, close to railway facilities, are
located between McBride and Terrace, along the Jasper-Prince
Rupert line of railway. A person with limited capital desirous
of obtaining a farm home will find few places more worthy of
consideration than Central British Columbia. It is pre-emi-
nently a mixed-farming country with a moderate climate and
great scenic beauty.

	The Central Section is divided into numerous fertile valleys
and plateaux presenting such great variety that detailed des-
cription is difficult. It must be visited to be fully appreciated.

	Throughout this area there are soil. and climatic conditions
adapted to all classes of mixed farming. One may mention 
three principal classes:

1. Lands specially adapted to small fruit growing, mostly
in the vicinity of Terrace, where fruit farming is firmly establish-
ed. Farms are limited in size.

2. Ranching and mixed farming areas partly open and sup-
porting heavy growths of natural feed with ample shelter, in the
vicinity of Burns Lake, Francois Lake and other lakes north
and south of the Railway. Land regulations governing settlement
should be thoroughly studied before planning an inspection trip.

3. Mixed-farming lands in the vicinity of McBride, Prince
George, Vanderhoof and Smithers. The plateau lands contain
level areas where coarse grains and forage crops are grown for
seed and feed. Fairly large farms have been established.
Dairying and every class of livestock industry may be followed.
Partly improved farms are available at moderate prices, while 
farms fully improved naturally require a heavier investment.

	Land taxes in Central British Columbia are based on low
assessments of wild land value only with school taxes dependent
on local conditions. Taxation is, by comparison with other
localities, very low. British and American settlers predominate,
with small groups of Scandinavian and other origins.

	British Columbia contains a large share of the world's best
timber. It produces minerals to an annual value of over 70 
million dollars including gold. silver, copper, lead and coal.

	Fishing and fish canning employ large numbers. Wild fruit is ab- 
undant, and the waters and forests harbor a great variety of
fish and game.   

CNR Historical (c1905) Map of Western Canada Index
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