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Online Historical Map Digitization Project

Online Historical Map Digitization Project
Frequently asked questions

Permission to Reproduce Material

Maps digitized on this website were scanned or submitted to the Online Historical Map Digitization Project for the purpose of providing Canadians, genealogists, historians with access to historical geographical, township, range, town and village information. .

You do not have permissions to use and reproduce the Sk Atlas and Sk Provincial Archives maps digitized at Online Historical Map Digitization Project

All the maps from the two Saskatchewan Atlases [Celebrating the Millennium 1999 Edition and 1969 Edition] are under copyright. Permission was obtained to place the maps online as an aid to genealogists/ historians as long as these maps would not be again further reproduced without permission from the publisher, K.I. Fung at the University of Saskatchewan. For further use please contact properly regarding copyright law for the Saskatchewan Atlas maps.

All the maps from the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives may not be used commercially - anyone wishing to use Saskatchewan Archival works commercially are advised to contact the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, as their documents are subject to Commercial Use Fees, Commercial Broadcasting Frees, or Merchandise Use Fees. For further use please contact properly regarding their conditions of use for reproductions. These maps online are intended for the purposes of research or private study. Also in accordance with the
Copyright Act, all maps from the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives are to retain authentic reproduction honouring accurately their historical documentation and may not be altered.

You may have permissions to use and reproduce the other maps on the Online Historical Map Digitization Project (non-commercial use) as follows:

Non-commercial Reproduction

The website visitor may reproduce Online Historical Map Digitization Project materials in whole or in part, in any format, if the work is not being revised, altered or translated, for non-commercial purposes without charge or further permission, if you do the following:
  • Contact the the web master to let me know of your intentions, Email Julia
  • Reproduce the material accurately.
  • Indicate on the reproduction a complete bibliography regarding the materials used.

Print Maps Full Size!

Two maps are available in full size, as follows. All the other maps are available only as they are published online, as they were submissions, scanned, and returned, or just sent in as scans originally and existed as digital sources only for the web pages.

The "Canadian Maps: January 1925 Waghorn's Guide. Post Offices in Man. Sask. Alta. and West Ontario.". is online already in full size------->Scroll down to the link that says "Large digital scans and photos of maps (huge files)"

The "Saskatchewan Country Elevator System Maps with Index Years:1924-25, 1947-48, 1950-51, 1952-53, 1984" is also already online if full size as well -------> Scroll down to the link that says "Full size maps and indices."

For permission for your personal [non-commercial] use, just state a bibliography. Examples of webpage bibliographies for the two aforementioned maps are shown in the examples below.

Sample Web Page Bibliographies

"Canadian Maps: January 1925 Waghorn's Guide. Post Offices in Man. Sask. Alta. and West Ontario.". Digitized online at the Online Historical Map Digitization Project. Republished online by Julia Adamson. 02-12-2013. Retrieved [today's date]

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Tuesday, 11-Nov-2003). "Saskatchewan Country Elevator System Maps with Index Years:1924-25, 1947-48, 1950-51, 1952-53, 1984". Digitized online at the Online Historical Map Digitization Project. Republished online by Julia Adamson. Retrieved [today's date]

Please also properly cite in a bibliography those works where permissions were granted from Saskatchewan Atlases and the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives. Thank you.


The paper map may be in the public domain, but once the map is republished online, the copyright is again with the date of publication to the website for the new publication method as there is no paper on the internet.

Purchasing Maps

If you wish to purchase an historical map, you may wish to try searching such venues as used book stores, or auction sites such as E-bay. is an amalgamation of used and new book stores who allow their computerized store inventory database to be searched by

The maps online at the Online Historical Map Digitization Project are mainly from digital submissions originating as scans, so these are not available for purchase in paper format.

If you have a map for sale, you may also wish to contact a used book store, or an auction site such as E-bay.

If you wish to know the price of your historical map, you may wish to compare it to maps listed on a used book store web site, or on E-bay.

If the map was from the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, contact them for a map -they have paper scanning processes, as well as digitization formats available.

If the map was in a Saskatchewan Atlas, please contact K.I. Fung at the University of SAskatchewan for further permissions. To purchase a Saskatchewan atlas, contact the University of Saskatchewan bookstore.

Thank you.

Submitting Scans of Maps

If you have an historical map that you have scanned and wish to submit it to share with historians/genealogists, please contact the webmaster. This would be done on a volunteer basis, and submitted to a volunteer to be placed online. Credit to the submitters are acknowledged on the relevant map pages, and in the dedication pages as well. If you decide to send the paper version via postal mail and wish the material returned please send a SASE. Arrangements can be made for postal mail, if that is easier. It is preferred to receive a digital image from scanner or camera via the email or a file transfer program such as SendSpace or OneDrive for large files to place the maps online.

Canadian Maps
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It is the intention of this site to make place names and locations available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This website is dedicated to the free sharing for personal use and online viewing only of these maps, placename and location historical data for your own personal historical or genealogical usage. Any further use of these maps (for any online, print or commercial re-publication) would require contacting the Webmaster: Julia Adamson NEW EMAIL

historic, maps, Alberta, alphabet railway, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, historic, maps, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada, Township, Range, homestead location, maps, atlas, gazeteer, 1900, old map, historic maps, antique maps, Canadian, Ab, Sk, Mb, Alta, Sask, Man, maps, Cummins maps, Cummins, Waghorns Guide, Waghorns Map, Survey of Canada, historic maps, Railway maps, CNR, CPR, Canadian National Rail lines, Canadian Pacific Rail lines, Cummins maps, Cummins, Waghorns Guide, Waghorns Map, Survey of Canada, historic maps, Railway maps, CNR, CPR, Canadian National Rail lines, Canadian Pacific Rail lines,Cummins maps, Cummins, Waghorns Guide, Waghorns Map, Survey of Canada, historic maps, Railway maps, CNR, CPR, Canadian National Rail lines, Canadian Pacific Rail lines,Cummins maps, Cummins, Waghorns Guide, Waghorns Map, Survey of Canada, historic maps, Railway maps, CNR, CPR, Canadian National Rail lines, Canadian Pacific Rail lines, Cummins Map Company Tsp 31, 32, 33, 34 Rge 14, 15, 16 West of the 2nd Meridian No. 173 AND Cummins Map Company Tsp 27, 28, 29,30 Rge 13, 14, 15 West of the 2nd Meridian: No. 152, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1925, Winnipeg Manitoba,Postal Offices and Map of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide June 1941, Winnipeg Manitoba, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1948, Winnipeg Manitoba, Online Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps, Saskatchewan Country Elevator Maps 1924, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1984,Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1947, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1950, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1952 CNR Alphabet listing, Canada Historical Maps, Cummins Map Company Tsp 31, 32, 33, 34 Rge 14, 15, 16 West of the 2nd Meridian No. 173 AND Cummins Map Company Tsp 27, 28, 29,30 Rge 13, 14, 15 West of the 2nd Meridian: No. 152, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1925, Winnipeg Manitoba,Postal Offices and Map of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide June 1941, Winnipeg Manitoba, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1948, Winnipeg Manitoba, Online Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps, Saskatchewan Country Elevator Maps 1924, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1984,Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1947, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1950, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1952 CNR Alphabet listing, Canada Historical Maps, Cummins Map Company Tsp 31, 32, 33, 34 Rge 14, 15, 16 West of the 2nd Meridian No. 173 AND Cummins Map Company Tsp 27, 28, 29,30 Rge 13, 14, 15 West of the 2nd Meridian: No. 152, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1925, Winnipeg Manitoba,Postal Offices and Map of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide June 1941, Winnipeg Manitoba, Survey of the Dominion of Canada in the year 1904. and 1907, Post Offices., Railway Schedules And Maps of Western Canada Showing part of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Published by Waghorn's Guide 1948, Winnipeg Manitoba, Online Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps, Saskatchewan Country Elevator Maps 1924, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1984,Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1947, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1950, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Maps 1952 CNR Alphabet listing, Canada Historical Maps,